03-to kill a mocking girl

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"Have you been out here since.. Alison?" We ask. Honestly I was afraid of her answer.

"Me? No, no way" She said.

"But you remeber that three" Aria started looking at her

"And the number of steps left" I say, can't be the only one thinking that was weird as fuck.

"You guys, it's not that weird. I mean we came out here in eight grade like every day, even after that." Hannah backed Specer up.

"I think this is totally the wrong place to do this" Admited Spencer.

"So do I. We have much more important places to do this than here." I say, looking around us.

"It's just a place to remember Alison. What's wrong with that?" Emily asked.

"Nothing is wrong " I say still looking all around us, I fell observed.

"Yeah, it is. Doing it out here makes it look like we have something to hide" Spencer did have a point.

"You are worried about what other people think?"Emily asked.

"Aren't you" I ask back. We all are, it's okay to admit.

"Do you really want to give that creepy Detective more reasons to question us?" Spencer spoke. Wilden really was a creep. While looking around I see Hannah's face changed with the topic Wilden.

"Don't really worry about him. He is not our biggest problem" I guarantee.

"How can you know?" Spencer asks me.

"I just do. Now let's continue."

"Hannah, why are you so quiet?" Aria asked her, once Hannah started to walk away in the middle of the conversation.

"I'm trying to keep the bugs in my nose and out of my mouth." She explained.

"You are allowed to have an opinion on this." Emily told her.

"You want my opinion?" She asks. We all nood our head "I say we hold off and not remember her till we know for sure she's not still here"She said turning to face all of us.

"What? What are you talking about?"Aria questioned.

"Han seriously" I start but someone cuts me of.

 "You think she's still alive" Emily says stupefied.

"Hannah, they found her body."

"We went to the funeral" I mention.

"Stop. I am officially scared.Can we just not-" Aria begs.

"You know, you asked for my opinion. I don't believe she's really gone" She said, gave us a smile and turned to walk the other direction.

"That's, I don't actually know.." I say quietly.

"When we left he funeral we all got a text from her" Hannah says.

"It wasn't her. Is someone playing with us Han" I say, and once again I am feeling observed " You guys are not feeling anything weird?" I ask but no answer from them

liar-Jason DilaurentisOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz