a familiar face

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Kara stood in front of a large White building. It was tall and a bit imposing but the sleek blue sign that hung above the glass doors told her It was definitely the right place, Jarico.


She turned to see a tall but familiar man stood behind her

"Markus, it good to see you again" she smiled

"And you as well, how have you and your family been" he approached and gestured for her to walk with him inside so she did as they continued to talk.

"We've been doing just grate, Alice just finished her first semester of homeschooling and she's really stared to come out of her shell"

"That is lovely to hear" Markus smiled before continuing

"I know you where only at jarico for a short time and we couldn't do much for you back then but it fills me with grate joy to know how well you all are doing"

"You did the best you could and you still are, I can already see just how much progress you've made" Kara says as she looks around the the buildings Smooth White walls accompanied by Blue accents. several paintings and sculptures line the walls and comfortable looking seating is placed about.

"Thank you and yes things have certainly gotten a lot better though there is always more to be done" he let's out a small sigh

"Is that why you called wanting to meet with me?"
Kara looked at the taller android quizzicaly

"In a way yes but I believe this to be a bit more of a personal matter" he slowed down to a stop Kara looking back at him

"Personal matter?"

"Yes, you see one of our main focus at the moment is helping android that were.. damaged during or even before the revolution. You see there are a lot of androids who survived the camps or other traumatic experience and we are trying our best to help them heal from the terrible things that happened to them." Kara stayed quiet as he explained

"One of the ways we are helping is a program we have here at jarico that assists android who can't live on there own, and it is a wonderful program I have personally seen help many androids"

"Markus that sounds truly amazing but I am certainly curious how this involves me?"

"Well to be frank, there is an android in that program that I believe you might know" Markus's smile softned slightly as he spoke

"A WR600 who goes by Ralph was admitted a few months back, one of the first time I spoke with him he told me about an AX400 he had met before the revolution named Kara who was traveling with a little girl, it was a bit to specific not to be reminded of you and your family, so when I heard you were back in Detroit I disided it may be a good chance to speak with you about it."

Karas voice caught in her throat, memories of that abandoned house rushing back, the damaged and twitchy android who helped them escape, Ralph.

"Ralph.. yes.. yes I know him" her words were quite and her eyes were down case, Markus could tell she was probably working through some complicated emotions so he placed a gentle hand on her shoulder

"Would you like to see him?" She quickly looked back up at him

"he is.. here?"

"Yes and from the way he's talked about you I'm sure he would be pleased to see you again" he walked a little ways down the hallway they were standing in before stopping in front of a door with a large pane of glare next to it and gesterd twords it.

She walked up next to him turning to look through the glass

The room on the other side looked farely similar to that of a small classroom, the walls were a light green with a soft carpet floor. In one corner was what looked like a small reading nook with large bookshelves and comfortable seating, in another was big white bored covered in scratchy wrighting she couldn't quite make out. but the thing that caught her eye the most was a small table near the center of the room that was low to the ground, at it sat two androids.

one was a female android with long brown hair dressed in semi casual clothing, but kara was more focused on the other male android who was slightly hunch over the table. He had fluffy blonde hair and wore baggy dark Green jumper but his most prominent feature was the blue scars the ran across the right side of his face along with a black and blue eye.

Although the original damage to Ralph's face had been significantly reduced what was left made it quite easy for kara to recognize the odd android. She watched as he poured his focus into a piece of paper he was drawing on and it brought an unexpected smile to her face.

In those months after escaping to Canada Kara often found herself recalling everything that had happened after she had ran away with Alice, especially the people they met and wondering where they had all ended up. Ralph was one of those people, they had met under rather unfortunate circumstances and though the night they had stayed with him had not been the most enjoyable, he had helped them greatly. So giting to see his happy and healthy lifted a weight of her chest she hadn't realized was there.

It wasn't until she felt another hand on her shoulder that she remembered where she was and looked up at Markus standing next to her.

"Seems I was most right to contact you" he smiled then turned to look into the room as well.

"I just.." she paused "I honestly didn't think I'd git the chance to see him again.. and its not like we knew each other for long but he helped me and Alice once when we really needed it so I guess it's just.. nice to see him like this." She felt a synthetic tear well in her eye

"I'm sorry" she laughed wiping her eyes "I'm not sure why I'm being so emotional right now"

"Your perfectly fine, sometime all it takes is a moment for someone to make an impact on you, and from how he talked about your encounter I'd say you certainly had an impact on him as well" they stood there for a moment as Kara collected herself.

"May.. may I?" She asked gestureing twords the door

"Oh of course I'm sure he would be delighted to see you" Markus replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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