Aren't you supposed to be a pervert for me?

"Hmm, true. I suppose I can go make an announcem—" Marquise sealed his lips with his own. 

Of course, that was evidently exactly what Vrasje had wanted. He gladly deepened the kiss as he returned his arms to their spot around Marquise's waist. 

You think you're so smooth, Marquise grumbled into his mind even as he kissed him back. 

You know that I am, love. Our bodies have slid together more than enough times to understand that, no? 

He wanted to scream. 

Instead, Marquise gave a quiet growl, the sound making Vrasje immediately step back and remove his arms from around him. 

They'd come to understand certain signals from each other during their time together, and his biggest one was that specific growl. It meant that he was done with whatever situation was going on and that it needed to be ended immediately. 

He rarely used it, but it had just sort of developed into an important communication tool for them when he couldn't figure out the right words he needed to say. 

Had he liked the attention? Absolutely. Was it the right time for it? Absolutely not. 

He was about to just grab the man's hand and tell him that they were going downstairs when he heard someone else at the front door and immediately perked up. 


Vrasje was left in the dust as Marquise ran, limping but determined, down the hall, then stairs, and straight into his master's arms!

"Hey there sweetheart," Taru said as he hugged him tightly and patted his head. 

Best master!

He could sense Vrasje's slight jealousy from where he was calmly walking toward them, but he didn't bother giving him any further attention. Taru was there and he rarely got to see him anymore! His master needed his attention much more right then. 

"Hello, master," Taru said in greeting to Vrasje as he finally walked up to them. 

Marquise could sense the tension from the older vampire, but they both knew that Taru had no interest in him. That was one of Vrasje's quirks that he'd learned more recently. The man hated when other people touched what was his... which was pretty much him. 

He hadn't realized it at first, but the man tended to block just about everyone besides Leo from touching him unless absolutely necessary. 

He was still cordial and did so without really being noticeable, which was why it took him a while to realize it. 

My vampire is extremely clingy. 

As if to prove him absolutely correct, Vrasje reached over and gently tugged him out of Taru's loosening arms and directly into his own. 

"Good evening, Leo and his grandmother are already situated in the dining hall," Vrasje replied as he settled a hand on Marquise's waist and began guiding them in that direction. 

How are you doing, Marquise? Is he behaving? Taru asked telepathically, skirting his overly-protective master by not speaking out loud. 

Of course not, but I'm making him. 

He heard Taru's faint laughter in the back of his mind as they ducked into the dining hall. Leo and his grandmother were already at the table, sipping waters and conversing with smiles on their faces. 

Most of the household servants were also seated at the table, and as they stepped into the room everyone's attention quickly turned to them and the talking quieted. 

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