01-they found her Avie

Start from the beginning

Along side the Dilaurentis family was always mine and eventually the Hastings family joined us.Mom used to say to me that us three were the most important and well respected families in Rosewood, I never knew why, mom saidit was because we helped the town a lot, now I call it bullshit. 

"Alright, i'm leaving fam. See you all later, bye" Not a very affectionate family I was born in.

On my way to school I tried my best not to rip apart every paper I saw with her face. It was everywhere, newspapers, flyers, tvnews, everywhere. Even the people around town keept looking at me like I was the one who was missing, the curse of being the best friend of the girl who dissapeared.

What was the most messed up was the fact that life now was a lot more peacefull, last school year was a lot more chilled, there wasn't fights or bullying in everycorner of the school, and all because Alison wasn't around.

"Oh My God, I can't wait to turn sixteen."grunts Alison. Arms linked around each other, Ava and Alison walked down the road.

"No, but same. My life would be so much easier." Ava agrees.

"Oh My God, next school year, at the beginning let's ask for a car. We can say like it's for us not to get late to classes or whatever." Ali says, making the other girl laugh.

"Why are you laughing Avie?"

"Ali, thats the most stupid reason ever, we will never have cars if we use that excuse" Giggled Ava.

"Okay fine, but we will have cars next year Avie, you just wait." Ali says with a smirk on her face.

An year later and there I was with no car, no best friend, no nothing. Just the old boring Rosewood, I never realized how much I hated this place until this was all I had.

Arriving at school and just staring at the entrance for a moment I regret not walking slower.I keep on looking around see if I can spot some familiar faces, and for my surprise I see a familiar face that I haven't seen in a year. Aria Montgomery.

She walks with Spencer over to the two big door just above the stairs, and running right behind them Emily. Did they three keep in touch? Was I the only left out?

Aria was the first to leave the group, she went to Europe with her family for last year school year, and aperently now she is back.

"Hey pretty face" Noel Kahn says hugging me from behind.

"Noel I swear eventually I am gonna punch you in the balls, don't scare me like that " Noel has this habit that whenever I'm by my locker he either hugs me or whispers in my ear whatever all from behind, scaring the shit out of me.

"Don't be so agressive baby" He replies.

"I'm not your baby." I say closing the locker behind me.

"Party tonight?" She smirks at me

"Not happening lil kahn" Not the I wasn't a fan of parties, I am, but today I just want to forget this day exists.

" Oh come one, it will be good for you angel" He says placing his hands on my shoulder and making a small massage there, while I walk over to my class.

"Pretty face than baby and now angel, watch out kahn you will run out of words in only one day" I joke, making him turn me around so that I am facing him.

"Why not Avie?"He asks

"Noel, do you know what today's day is?" I ask, or he forgotor he is just and asshole. Honestly I think both.

"Oh shit, Im sorry Avie" He apologizes, and quickly gives me a strong hug.

"Jesus, I'm good man, just forget about it, alright?!" I smile back at him, he is sweet but too emocional. Don't do the same mistake two times I remember myself, last time I tried to forget about my problems with Noel Kahn ended in Noel kahn obessed with me for months, let's not do that again.

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