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when everyone got onto the plane people started to notice the new contestants, sierra and alejandro. people were focused mostly on alejandro because he was handsome, but heather saw nothing different in him.
A: hello hermosa, may i know your name?
heather glared at him and replied
H: why do you care? who even are you?
alejandro was surprised that she didn't immediately fall to his feet like everyone else did, but he was determined.
A: my name is Alejandro Burromuerto, pleasure to meet you.
heather gave him a sarcastic smile and spoke
H: i'm heather kasuga.
alejandro noticed that she wasn't thrilled meeting him and that made him kind of annoyed.
A: aren't you even a bit happy to have a new teammate?
H: i don't care.
alejandro wasn't amused and had an annoyed expression
A: you're really arrogant, you know that? it's such a shame that a pretty girl like you acts this way.
heather seemed offended and looked him up and down
H: whatever, i don't care about your opinion.
later, when chef and chris were flying the plane to the first challenge, heather was sitting on her own when alejandro approached her and sat next to her
A: hola mi amor, what are you doing all by yourself chica?
heather rolled her eyes and looked away while answering
H: yknow, everyone hates me here and i hate them, so ofcourse i'm on my own.
alejandro chuckled and answered jokingly
A: i can see why people hate you, mi ángel.
H: get out of my sight, la cucaracha.
alejandro let out a giggle
A: cmon, was that an attempt to insult me?
H: pretty much. now get out of my sight.
A: what if i don't want to?
heather gets close to his face and glares at him
H: i will crush you.
alejandro gets closer and their lips are almost touching
A: go ahead, mi vida.
heather, realizing how close they were, moved away and was kind of embarrassed.
H: well— just— just leave, okay?
as alejandro was about to speak, he heard owen calling for him
O: Al! Al! Al! come here Al!
alejandro let out an annoyed sigh
A: i'll be back to torment you, mi princesa.
A: okay, okay. i was just going. hasta luego, mi ángel.
they land and the first challenge starts

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⏰ Última atualização: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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