175 14 1

Tae : Are you out of your mind y/n or are you blind!!!

( shout at y/n )

Y/n : tae I am really sorr-

( interrupt by tae )

Tae : what I do with your sorry huh!!

Y/n : tae-

( interrupt by tae )

Tae : y/n pls leave from here!!

Y/n : but tae-

Tae : I said leave!!!! ( shout )

Y/n leave from there

Y/n : well you all are thinking that why taehyung were shouting at me so the reason is that I accidentally slipped and the water of the glass which was in my hand poured at the important papers of tae

Y/n : well it's all my fault I am clumsy af ( sigh ) so let's continue story

Y/n was in living room then she got a call from jimin she smile and pick up the call

On the call......

Jimin : hello cutie!!

Y/n : hello jiminaa!!!

Jimin : y/n we are coming to your house

Y/n : really!!!! ( excited )

Jimin : yes and black pink and a/n coming also

Y/n : wow !!

Jimin : we will come at lunch time

Y/n : okay

Jimin : so inform that alien ( tae ) that we are coming

Y/n : aye aye captain!!!

Jimin : okay bye bye y/n !!

Y/n : bye bye jiminaa

Call ended....

Y/n : now I have to tell tae that BTS , black pink and a/n are coming

Then I go towards tae office room and knock at the door

Tae : come in ( cold tone )

Y/n come inside

Y/n : tae

Tae: hm

Y/n : BTS black pink and a/n are coming

Tae : hm ok

Y/n sigh and leave

Y/n : now I have to make lunch

Then y/n went to make lunch

Time skip at lunch time -

Y/n : okay evening is ready except me

Then y/n gets ready

Y/n outfit :

Y/n outfit :

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Your husband reacts to your fan edit after a argument  ( you as a actress )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu