[6] Asset out of containment

Start from the beginning

Before Brooklynn could say anything, a new voice spoke.

"Brooklynn? Darius?"

It was Sammy

"Hello? Sammy?" he shouted into the headset.

"Do you read me?" Sammy said over the radio. "We're com...to...elp!"

The six kids had jumped out of the two cramped gyrosphere and raced over to Darius and Brooklynn.

"Get us out of here!" Brooklynn shouted.

"Roxie? Dave? We've got a real emergency here!" Ben said into the radio.

Yasmina and Tom tried to grab hold of the muddy gyrosphere to pull it out but couldn't.

"It's too heavy!" Kenji appeared beside them, straining. Jackie joined the four, struggling to get a strong enough grip to help pull.

"Ahhh!" Ben screamed. "It's gonna pull you under!"

Kenji realized that Ben was right. The suction of the mud pulling down the gyrosphere was taking him, Tom, Jackie and Yasmina with it. He jumped back, pulling Jackie with him. The other two hobbled away from the vehicle.

"Uh, guys?" Ben said as lightning flashed overhead.

Between Ben and the lightning, everyone's attention was now on the Sinoceratops, who chose that particular moment to return. She pawed at the ground with a massive foot, ready to charge.

"I've got an idea," Sammy said. She moved slowly toward the Sinoceratops, arms out, drawing closer to the Sino. "Hey, I get it," she said gently. "It's hard to trust strangers. It's a scary world out there. But I'll trust you if you trust me." She was whispering, but loud enough to be heard.

Then Sammy placed a hand on the dinosaur, and the creature seemed to calm down almost immediately. Everyone stared at Sammy in awe. The moment was so amazing, it almost made everyone forget that Darius and Brooklynn were sinking into a mudhole.

"Guys!" Darius shouted.

Sammy looked at Darius and Brooklynn, then at the Sinoceratops.

"Hurry!" she ordered. Then she grabbed two vines and told the others her plan.

Kenji and Tom worked together to tie vines together, making a rope. Yasmina tested it's strength before tossing it up to Jackie who sat in a tree. Jackie grabbed the end and wrapped the vine around the tree for leverage before she tossed it down to Darius. He reached up and grabbed the vine through the muddy hole in the gyrosphere. Pulling it in, he handed the vine to Brooklynn, who tied it around the dashboard.

Yasmina then gave the other end of the vine to Tom, and he and Kenji gently wrapped it around the Sinoceratops.

Ben continued trying to raise Roxie and Dave on the radio.

Sammy kept on soothing the dinosaur until Kenji flashed her the thumbs-up.

"Come on, girl," Sammy said to the Sino. "Easy. That's it. Nice and slow. Let's go. You got this." Sammy held out a banch of leaves as she tried to coax the Sinoceratops into moving.

As the dinosaur munched on the foliage, Sammy guided her forward. In the process, the Sinoceratops easily pulled Darius and Brooklynn from the mud.


The sky had opened up, and it was pouring rain harder than ever. Roxie and Dave found the kids and returned to camp. The kids were in the common room now as Sammy looked out the window and into the jungle, alone. At least, until Yasmina walked over to her.

Left Behind | Camp Cretaceous | Season 1Where stories live. Discover now