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Hey guyss!

Sooooooo, I was bored and because of school related works, I don't have enough time to write. Thus, I thought, what if. What if I asked ChatGPT to write a story? And voilá! ChatGPT made it happen! :D

 After reading what ChatGPT wrote, it was too good not to share it to y'all sooooooo.. .HERE I AM informing y'all that I'm creating this for fun and I hope y'all enjoy this as much as I do. :> 

Also, I will still try to continue on writing my other stories :), so for the time being, you can enjoy these stories that ChatGPT made. :D

If you have any suggestions on what trope I should ask ChatGPT to do, you can comment here anytime! :D (Oh, right ChatGPT can't create smutty stories :3 )

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