Chapter 76 : Seven Bodies One Soul

Start from the beginning

Draupadi was extremely irritated and Arjun was sitting between her legs with a guilty face.

"Sakhi, did you again bully my innocent Parth?" Krishna asks.

Draupadi gave him a very sweet smile.

"Sakha, did you two slept in one bed yesterday?" Draupadi asks.

"Yes, Jyest me and my Parth slept together last night. Why do you ask?" Krishna asks confused.

"Then you ought to sit down here as well," Draupadi says.

"Draupadi, what happened?" Karn asks.

Nakul came with a pot of lukewarm oil and gave Arjun a disguisted look.

"Arya Nakul, your Jyest and Sakha also were with him last night. I might need more oil," Draupadi says.

"What's happening? What did we do?" Krishna and Karn asks.

"You are asking us that when your hand is in your hair and you are scratching like mad man?" Nakul asks.

"Your beloved Parth has lice in his long hair and he successfully passed it to you two it seems," Draupadi says.

"WHAT?" Karn and Krishna screams in panic.

Draupadi threw them an annoyed look and focused on removing the lice from Arjun's hair.

"Quit moving," Draupadi scolds Arjun.

It's been 4 hours he has been sitting like that. His back hurted. He wanted to lean on her chest but she again scolded him.

"That explains why my head is so itchy," Karn realizes.

" hair...may hair...Parth how could you..?" Krishna almost sobbed.

"Why are you surprised? Among you six brothers you have the worst hygiene sense Phalguni," Draupadi scolds.

Bheem, Yudhisthir and Sahadev were sitting far away laughing at them.

Arjun tries to move again and his head bumped with Draupadi's chin.

"Arya," Draupadi warns.

Before Arjun could whine more, two chariots came towards them.

"You three are quarantined. Others can greet them," Draupadi says strictly to Krishna and Karn.

Both sat either side of Arjun with sulking face. Arjun tried to smile at them but both glared at him.

A very angry Balram and Hidimba came. It's been a month but Karn and Krishna doesn't want to return. Karn though has said multiple times that he will leave the next day but somehow his younger brothers stop him.

"Kanha," Balram's voice thundered.

"Maharathi Karn," Hidimba yelled.

Both Krishna and Karn gulps in fear.

"Arjun, what are you almost sitting on Draupadi's lap?" Balram finally takes notice of his distress.

"Pranipath Jyest bhrata, I am quarantined. Forgive me I can't touch your feet," Arjun pouts.

"That doesn't explain you sitting in Krishnaa's lap," Balram frowns.

"Pranipath Dao, don't even ask. These three has lice on their head," Draupadi explains.

Balram and Hidimba steps back from them.

"Kanha, Satya won't even let you enter Dwarka this way," Balram says frowning.

"Dao, it's not my fault. Parth...Parth..." Krishna points at Arjun.

"Seriously Arjun? You spread this on them too? Now I don't want Jyest bhrata Karn back in Devapath as well," Hidimba says.

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