~ | SIX | ~

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Sorry about the late update

Running. Look. Left. Right. Bang. Eyes flashed right open. Emily sat up and glanced at the time. 4:34. This was the 3rd time this week she had woken up in a cold sweat from a nightmare, she thought they were getting better. They were most always about the same thing, the 3 days she was held at Doyle's compound. Every now and then she would get nightmares.

But maybe it was just nerves. She would be joining a new team today. The BAU. The place she always wanted to go, but somehow always ended far from it. She got up and made her way to the bathroom, splashing cold water on her face. There was no point in sleeping now, she would just have to get up again in a couple hours. She walked over to her desk and sat down on the chair in front of it, sitting on her table was her file.

It was all faked after the classification. No one was to know the work she had done. All she had to do now was to make she had memorized the file, and not slip up anywhere.

She glanced over the file one last time, she had been working in the Pentagon for the last 10 years, as a transtalor. No mention of the CIA and absolutely no mention of Interpol.

Every detail of her work history was a lie apart from the fact that she was at the pentagon at 9/11.

Her father's name was written as a blank, obviously. Nothing gave to much detail about.

Due to her fake file she had to do go through certificattion training, for most people it took 6 months, she was able to clear it in 2.

She also used this time as a cover up for getting Declan settled. After she was found in the compound along with Declan. Clyde and Tsia faked his and his nanny's death. They sent them to Virginia.

This was another of Emily's motivation to leave the CIA. Over her time with Doyle she began to care for Declan, she loved him like a son.

She enrolled him in a boarding school, and gets a house for Lousie nearby. Money from her account gets re routed through multiple accounts before being diposited in Lousie's under a disabled pension.

She meets with Declan nearly every 2 months, but always makes sure to be there for his birthday and Christmas.


Emily stood in the elevator, putting all her effort into not biting her nails, in turn gripping her box even tighter. As the doors were closing, a hand appeared to stop them. A tall African man, 6ft ,steps in. He looks over at Emily, observing her, then down at her hands.

"Nervous?" he speaks

"You could say so, what floor?" she asks back, surprised to why he was talking to her.

"6th, and seems like we are going to the same floor" he says after glancing at the control panel seeing the '6th' button glowing blue.

"You work at the BAU?" She asks back.

"You look shocked" he says. Emily notices, he counters, neither confirming nor denying her question. He knew to the careful, after all he had just met this woman.

" I am not " She stops before she says anything else. The doors of the elevator opened and they stepped out.

"Do you know need directions to somewhere?" he asks, trying to find out hey intentions.

"No thank you" Emily walks away without looking back, while Derek makes his way to his desk.

Reid leans over and watches her enter Hotch's office, "Who's that?"

"I don't know" says Derek.

Garcia runs into the bullpen, "That's the new agent"

"How do you know that?" JJ asks, walking down the stairs towards them

Reckoning | Emily PrentissWhere stories live. Discover now