We finish getting ready quickly and head to the dance floor as soon as Father's birthday party starts.

   A "Happy Birthday King Nicholas" poster is hung across the ballroom's wall, people from all over the kingdom are dancing, and butlers carrying trays of champagne walk around the room. The party is wonderful and it takes me back to last autumn when Prince Asher and I got into our relationship.

   We spent all of our seasons together. Autumn, winter, spring. We spent the next season together too, I was right there beside him, all summer long. And then I woke up to find that summer gone and it felt like all of my seasons were ruined all because of one night. But he and I fixed things now and we'll get to be together forever.

   While I wait for Asher and the rest of the Charmings to arrive, I dance with Penelope for a while.

    The second I see seven heads of gorgeous blonde hair, I know they've arrived at the party and I immediately head over to them and pull Asher aside.

   "Asher, you made it!" I say happily as I hug my boyfriend.

   "Snow, I'm glad to see you," he smiles and kisses my forehead. He touches my hair and feels the ends. "Wait, did you do something to your hair?" he questions.

   I let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, I did. I didn't think you'd notice."

   "Of course, Snow. You're beautiful, every little piece, love," he smiles. "I like your new hair, it makes your sparkling eyes shine."

   I blush and grab his hand, whisking him away to the dance floor.


Our feet fall into place with the music and we dance and dance until we're tired.

   We spot Prince Milo sitting next to a young girl, and Asher and I go up to him. "You guys are friends, right?" I whisper.

   "Yeah, he's cool. He's definitely arrogant but he's a cool guy," Asher whispers as we sit down next to the two of them.

   Milo immediately shoos the girl away, leaving the three of us alone. "Oh look, the perfect couple," Milo laughs.

   "Oh, we're far from perfect," I laugh and sit down.

   "Yes you guys are, I mean, I don't even know how you do it," Milo laughs. "Asher, how can you just stick to one girl?"

   "Excuse me?" Asher asks and laughs nervously.

   He and I share a look, wondering if we've both just heard the same thing.

   I wrinkle my brows.

   What does Milo mean by that? I thought he had a thing with Penelope.

   "I mean, just look at this dance floor, there's so many pretty women tonight, don't you just want to fuck them all?" the Beauty Prince laughs.

   "Milo, what the hell? How could you say that?" Asher asks. "Women aren't toys you can play around with. Get a grip dude."

   "Yeah, okay," Milo rolls his eyes and gets up from the table.

   If I had let Sage continue to get to me, I'd punch the stupid prince in his face. Thankfully, I haven't let her make me a menace and I hold back. I may not hurt the guy but I still hate him.

   How could he say those things about women? How can he go around sleeping with a bunch of girls and let them get heartbroken?

   I know Penelope is going to be crushed when I tell her all of this.

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