forgotten birthday

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Juilo's pov and then huh Izzy honey what's wrong I Izzy wait he said Wanda love wait a minute walla what happened she said walla daddy and aunty Izzy's friends Janet and John forgot there birthday when they told them they said we don't care it's your birthday we only pretended to be your friends were not actually your friends she said oh my hey juilo let's set up a surprise birthday party for them she said juilo gasp I like that idea juila you and walla destract them while we set up ok he said juila OK DAD she said walla GIGGLES OK UNCLE JUILO she said(after the party was set up)Izzy thanks sweetie but mommy and uncle are still broken up she said shaggy Jr I opened the door and jumped so did my sister as everyone jumped saying happy birthday w what he said juilo I walked to her happy birthday have honey he said Wanda giggles happy birthday love she said Izzy I cried hugging him hic oh juilo y you remembered she said shaggy Jr I cried as my wife held me y you remembered he said shaglon I was near the tree thinking should I ask them to marry me (in this story polyamer relationship here shaglon is dating Edna and frankette are in this ok back to the story)sighs ok just ask them will you marry me Edna frankette no be my wives ACK NO UGH they'll just say no anyways sighs he said frankette e Edna d did you hear that she said Edna yeah he's planning on asking us to marry him but he thinks we'll say no she said well then let's tell him we won't say no she said shaglon ok ok I'll say Edna frankette will you marry me ugh sighs he said edna and frankette yes we'll marry you they said I jumped up ZOINKES b babe him y you scared me a and really I I thought you girls would say no he said(hours later they met there aus)og Izzy pffff u uhm opposita pfff why are you over his shoulder pfffff she said op izzy shut the fuck up I pissed him off now he's fuck me till I can't walk even though IT WASN'T MY FAULT GRRR PUT ME DOWN YOU ASSHOLE she said og juilo pffff hahaha he said op juilo the more you cuss me out and struggle against me the more i.m gonna thrust inside of you babe he said op izzy I saw them laughing IT'S NOT FUCKING FUNNY she said og wally oh it is I don't piss my husband off hahahaha she said og shaggy Jr HEY GUYS THERES A FAMILY GAMES IN TOWN LETS GO he said og Wanda gasp that's awesome come let's go she said op shaggy Jr I mean wanna babe he said op Wanda fuck it let's go she said I pushed her behind me seeing her abusive parents don't not a another fucking step remember your fucking yeah back the fuck away six fucking feet just cause you made bail doesn't mean you can come near my wife WHAT FUCKING WHAT HUH NO DON'T HUH he said l let them speak love she said op Wendy look were..... sighs sorry for everything we did to you being controling she said op Wallace being abusive were sorry we saw our originals treat there daughter kindly nice then we thought back to how we treated you regreting it he said then we saw how your husbands treating you comforting you holding you were so sorry Wanda she said we understand you won't forgive us but please let us be in our grandkids life he said op Wanda prove to me that you truly have a chance of heart then and only then I'll forgive you and let you in my kids life she said ok we'll do that he said op Wendy Wanda we are sorry ah right can't come near you yet she said op shaggy Jr just prove that you are sorry ok I saw them leave sighs huh m mom dad HEY DON'T COME ANYWHERE NEAR ME OR MY SIBLING he said op shaggy hey we know we're sorry ok it's just grrrrrr he said op lena were sorry alright like really sorry she said op shaggy Jr I saw them cry for the first time he said WERE SORRY HIC HIC she said op shaggy I PROMISED YOU PROTECT YOU AND YOUR SIBLINGS B BUT I DIDN'T KEEP THAT PROMISE WR HURT YOU ABUSED YOU WERE TERRIBLE PARENTS HIC HIC he said op shaggy Jr I hugged him so did my siblings while crying STOP CRYING YOU IDIOTS WE FORGIVE YOU OK he said(at the games) op shaggy OOOOOH JUILO YOU CHEATED hahahaha hey op juilo sorry sir but I don't cheat he said op Wanda love if you beat originals husband I'll let you fuck the shit out of me she said og Wanda love if you beat opposites husband I'll let you put another baby in me she said(cliffhanger next part lemons)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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