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47 A Wave of Flattery

An hour later, Ji Zhao was full of admiration for Shen Yao.

She only told him the cooking method of all the dishes once.

But Shen Yao really did a good job.

Especially when he cut the vegetables, his movements were as graceful as flowing water.

It was pleasing to the eye.

At lunch, when they found out that the four dishes that afternoon were all made by Shen Yao, everyone's jaws dropped.

"Third Brother, how do you know how to cook?" Second Sister-in-law Shen could not help but ask.

"I only learned it today." Shen Yao smiled. "But it's still because Ah Tao taught me well."

Ji Zhao, who was suddenly cued, smiled sheepishly.

"It's mainly because you're smart. You understand immediately." Ji Zhao smiled and praised him.

Zhao Lanhua saw exchange of looks between them and smiled happily.

After the family happily finished their lunch, Zhao Lanhua suggested that Ji Zhao follow Shen Dashan and the others to the county to sell fish.

"Ah Tao, wait a minute!" Zhao Lanhua hurriedly returned to the central room. She took off the bamboo hat hanging on the wall and put it on Ji Zhao's head. "The weather is getting hotter. Don't get tanned!"

"Got it. Thank you, Mother!"

"That father and son pair are clumsy with their words. Remember to negotiate the prices when you sell the fish later. The county city is short of ingredients now. Remember to raise the price!"

"Okay." Ji Zhao nodded obediently. "Mother, don't worry. I'll remember everything!"

"Alright, go quickly and come back early!"

Around 1:45 PM, the three of them arrived at the Shen Ji pastry shop.

"Father, Third Brother, Third Sister-in-law, why are you here?" Eldest sister-in-law Shen warmly welcomed the three of them into the hall and greeted them with a smile. "It's too hot today. Quick, drink some mung bean soup to get rid of the heat!"

She had left the mung bean soup in the deep well for more than an hour. It was cold and refreshing.

After drinking a bowl, Ji Zhao narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.

"Ah Tao, do you want another bowl?" Eldest sister-in-law Shen walked up to Ji Zhao and asked with a warm smile.

"No need, thank you, eldest sister-in-law!"

"What are you thanking me for? We're all family," Eldest Sister-in-law Shen said happily and quickly took out some pastries to serve them.

"Eldest wife. Is Dalang not at home?" Shen Dashan asked softly after drinking two bowls of green bean soup.

"Father, Dalang went to the Qin residence to deliver pastries!" Eldest Sister-in-law Shen smiled proudly. "Ever since Old Madam Qin ate Ah Tao's mung bean ice cake and full moon cakes, she needs more every few days. This morning, the shop was not busy, so Dalang himself went to deliver them to her door."

"That's good!" Shen Dashan nodded slightly. "Business is difficult in this year. You and Dalang have to put in more effort!"

"Father, don't worry. We understand!"

"By the way, Third Brother and I caught a lot of fish today." Shen Dashan pointed at the tall wooden bucket and said softly, "Leave two for Dalang to eat. Sell the rest to a restaurant later!"

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