To see is to Know

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Loud, full of brutes and has 4-6 Red light districts.
Although the kingdom of Kran Is as... Disgusting as this,
It is one of the most safest place in The kosmos.

The king had made a contract to those fools that they would not cause problem in his kingdom and in return, they would have a place to be safe and be in hiding.
After all, The empire is the strongest of all the other continents.

With the aid of the holy temple, other mercenary countries and huge loyal military powers; The king Jhord had all he could get, Specifically that great of a knight-
"Ok your prides slipped, Bedtime story done. I'm going to bed" A child said, placing a blanket over her small body. "Eh, Oi- I am great thought... Right? Mom said so"
Rogous pondered right after. "No? I mean, you suck"
The child deadpanned and sighed.

"MICHAEL~~!!" Rogous whined and launched a hug towards his sister. She dodged it and He hit his head to the wall, making the little shack they live in wobble.
"Whoa, that would have killed me" she said shivering.
Rogous pouted, "Are you serious? I'm done then, I'm going to see mom" he said standing up.

Rogous started trudging towards the door, His back is hunched as if like a small child who got told off.
Michael raised her eyebrows and turned around to face the wall, and continue to lay down and doze. Rogous had
Not left yet and is observing his sister.

When he noticed her breathing finally calming, he went near her and placed a note down in her night stand.
He kissed her cheeks and said goodbye, although- Tricky he is; His sister is his sister after all.

Rogous was going down the stairs and met with his mother, Standing right down I'm the first step.
He smiled at her and she returned it, "So? Got your sister's approval? I know you really wanted to tell her yourself so..." She said after kissing his cheeks.

Rogous looked a little down, he chuckled with woe and went Into the kitchen to eat and pack his stuff. "Well, I actually didn't want to do it. She's too young for those face-to-face goodbyes, Besides- I might cry" He said, then sat down to munch in a stale bread and drank his soup. His mother, Ophet, was worried for her son.

They lived away in a countryside that's farthest from the capital. She had heard rumors about the king being Blackhearted and unprincipled. And that includes the knights, her sons soon to be folk and mates.
She couldn't careless before, They do not belong in that place she had thought. All they had to do was survive.

She Had finally snapped out of it when Rogous had finished eating and stood up with his plate in his hand.
"oh no no young man, I'll clean that for you. What you have to do right now is to prepare to depart, Your going before sunrises- and you'll be IN THE RIDE FOR 10 MOONS AND-" "SH SHHHH, mom you'll wake up Michael!!", Rogous shouted under his breath. " Alright, you can clean this alright alright. I have packed already and checked my thing 3 time today and I don't need anything else" He finished and kissed his mother's forehead. "I'll be going now, Bye" He waved goodbye.

His mother waved back and sighed as the door closes.
"I'm not waking up who's already awake" She said.
There was then a sudden sobbing that you can hear in the staircase. It was Micheal. Ophet came closer and patted her head. They, had hope for his well being.


Finally, Rogous has finally reached the Capital...
(I dun' wanna write: journey of the homesick buff knight)
'It was a, bumpy trip... And was delayed for a day because the couch is being an ass... Alright ok, I'm here though! It's aaaaall fine I suppose.

Now I only have a day to find an inn, HAAH GOD HAVE MERCY ON MEEE' Rogous thought before he bumped on a person. "OW!" A squeak of a female voice shouted.
"Uh! Uhm, miss I'm so sorry-" "Watch it! This costed golds peasant! " The lady clicked her tongue and ran away. This wasn't what bothered Rogous at that moment though, "gold... Sheesh" he shivered going in the crowd.

In courtesy, The courts JesterWhere stories live. Discover now