"Iseul?" A little voice spoke out from the phone. Almost as if he wasn't sure it was her who had answered.

"I'm here." She hummed, playing with some loose strands of hair as she tried to keep her heavy eyelids from shutting.

"Thank God," She heard some shuffling and a sigh of relief, "You weren't answering my texts."

So it was him who was blowing up here phone. She thought her device would have exploded from the amount of notifications she was receiving. Typical of Jungwon to spam your phone with the most random messages until you answer him.

"Sorry," Iseul muttered, "I guess you could say I fell asleep," She coughed, still shivering even after the blanket was covering her. Looking around to find another one, she grabbed one of her plushies instead. It was Winnie the Pooh, one of her favourite characters from her comfort show. A gift from Jungwon.

"Are you okay?" He concerned as she could practically imagine the frown on his face. "You should sleep then, just don't miss dinner."

"It's fine," She shrugged off, "I have home -" Taking a pause to sneeze, a look of confusion made it's way into her elegant features. What was wrong with her? "I have homework to do anyways." She recalled.

Noticing how her voice seemed a bit stuffy, Jungwon reminded himself how off she seemed at school. The girl had been claiming how it was chilly, but she was wearing a sweater and the temperature was normal. Hearing the coughs and sneezes she admitted, he knew what was up.

"You don't sound okay," He insisted, "Iseul you're sick."

"...Maybe it's just a small cold," She brushed off. "I felt fine this morning."

"Don't lie Iseul, we both know that's not true," He scolded lightly, "You sound like you're on the verge of passing out."

And he was right, although she didn't want to admit it (due to some stubbornness she picked up from the devil himself), she felt like she could black out any second. The exhaustion was finally hitting her and it hurt. The pounding in her head made her skull feel like it would crack open and she felt ice cold. The thick blanket wasn't enough to stop her shudders and shivers. Not to mention that anytime she made a small movement, her vision could only blur, causing her to loose focus.

After no hearing a response form her, he sat up in his bed as more thoughts of something happening to the girl entered his head. "Iseul?" He called out, "...Han Iseul. Iseul are you there?"

"Sorry..." She mumbled, rubbing her head as she tried to call down her uncooperative breath, "...I just...I need to finish my homework and -"

"No, no, no," He sternly disagreed while cutting her off. Standing up he rushed to put on his shoes as he looked around for a shirt or hoodie to cover himself. "You stay there and I'll come over to check on you."

"No, Jungwon...you should sleep. We have school tomorrow." She more like slurred. By each passing second, her eyelids only got heavier as if someone was weighing them down with bricks.

The only reply she got was a scoff, "What do you mean we? I definitely have school tomorrow but there is no way you're going with your condition." He stated as he left his room, "And don't even think in saying you're fine again because I know you Iseul, and right now you're definitely not in the right mind to do anything on your own."

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