Final Chapter, Ending 2

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Upon getting to the church Howdy was stunned by the amount of people there. Both dead and alive have come together for this ceremony and it was truly astounding, to say the least. He proceeded to sneak inside without any disturbance before seeing you upfront and waiting for who he assumed was that corpse you were with when you had last visited him. He was confused, he didn't think this could happen, but here it was, happening, and he would be lying if he were to say he wasn't a little impressed about the fact either. But all that aside he was torn. His heart ached to see you go, he was so ready to be with you that he hadn't even considered losing you would be an option that he'd have to face, and with it being right in front of him, he just couldn't seem to bear it.

Soon enough, the music started, and he watched as the groom slowly made his way down the aisle towards you. You looked so happy, so content with what was unfolding he just couldn't believe it, he was so focused on the two of you that he didn't even realize that he was slowly making his way up front along the wall to get a better look at the two of you.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join this couple in holy matrimony. A day full of love, devotion, and trust." The Priest, or so he looked, said to the two of them before signaling for you to proceed, as he watched you take the groom's hand into yours and walk three steps forward, "With this hand, I will lift your sorrows." He then watches you pick up a glass as the groom beside you picks up a bottle of what seems to be poison and starts pouring it into your glass before continuing the verse, "Your cup will never empty, for I will..." The groom catches Howdy's gaze and gasps, causing you to turn your head but the groom quickly stops you by cupping his hand over your cheek and making you look at him. "I can't do this." You look hurt, having lowered your glass to sadly gaze at the groom, "But... Why not? This is what I want... Isn't it.. What you want as well?..." The groom seemed to be choking back tears as he used his thumb to rub circles on your cheek, "I love you (Y/n)... But you're not mine. My dreams were taken from me, my life as well... Who am I to do the same to you?" Your gaze slightly lowered before the groom reached a handout and gestured for Howdy to come up to you two.

Once he was up there everyone in the crowd gasped, confused and shocked at what was going on, you being the same way having looked at him, "Howdy?" He could only smile as the groom grabbed his hand and placed it into yours, "You two belong together, and (Y/n), I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me, this is the best I can think of." You smiled at him, somberly, sad you would have to see someone you grew to love go, but thankful that you get a chance to live your life and grow to love someone you've loved from the beginning. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. "Well if this isn't practical."

Julie Joyful decided to make her presence known, having even made her way to the front to talk to everyone, or more specifically, someone. "You??" the dead groom was astonished, before quickly turning angry, "What are you doing here?" Julie smirked before placing a hand on her hip, "Just came by to see what all the fuss was about, but I can't say I'm surprised. Poor Wally, always the groomsman, never the groom." Wally froze, he was hurt. Though it was the truth but still. "I was a groom until you left me for dead." And with that one comment the entire room gasped, Having figured out just who she was, Barnaby practically growled in anger and threatened to lunge at the girl from his seat but Sally, Poppy, and Eddie had to hold him in place and remind him that they were in the living, they couldn't touch her up there.

You, however, did not let that slide. You walked up to her and punched her square in the face, resulting in her getting a bloody nose before turning and ripping a sword out of a corpse's chest and aiming it at you. "So that's how it's gonna be huh?" She swung at you, making you dodge out of the way before Sally yelled for you to catch and threw a weapon your way to defend yourself with. However, it turned out to be completely useless as it was just a fake plastic sword from her props. You gave her a look of disbelief earning an apology in response before jabbing it into Julie's side and rolling out of the way and under a church bench, where Julie proceeded to stab into it nearly missing you multiple times before getting her sword stuck, allowing you to roll out from underneath the bench and jab her in the eye. She screamed in pain, dislodged the sword from the bench, and kicked you square in the chest making you fall back onto the ground and went to plunge the sword straight into your chest but was intersected.

Wally stood in front of you, blade through his ribs with a wicked glare on his face. He proceeded to take the blade out and aim it at Julie before speaking with pure venom lacing his every word, "Get. Out." Having accepted defeat, Julie straightened herself up headed for the table behind them, and grabbed the wine glass, "Alright Darling, I'll leave. But first a toast! To Wally! For being so close to his dream and once again having it stripped away from him, may you always repeat this cycle." With that, she downed the drink tossed the cup to the side, and made her way past everyone with a smug look on her face. No one moved. no one spoke. They just watched as her smug look gradually changed to that of pain, then fear, and all at once everyone moved to drag her away to "get some stuff off of their chests."

You were the first to move to the groom before anyone else, You had asked if he was alright and he had reassured you he was. In fact, he said he was at peace. He had gotten everything he had wanted, someone who had truly loved him and that was you. You showed him that, and he was happy to let you go. To say you were sad was an understatement, though you tried to hide it with a smile as you walked back over to Howdy, clasping his hand in yours and resting your head on his shoulder as the two of you watched as Wally made his way to the doors of the church, smile at the moon one last time, and beautifully disperse into a bunch of gorgeous blue butterflies.

Unbeknownst to you, a stray tear had made its way down your cheek. Howdy noticed this and cupped your face in his hand, using his thumb to brush away the stray tear. You leaned into his touch before gazing up into his eyes, finding solace in their depths, with a tinge of familiarity within them, like a magnet you both drew closer to one another before closing the gap between you two, and from there on out, you both knew everything was gonna be alright.

(Another BONUS)

Everyone returned to the land of the dead, also your parent who were presumed to be missing after never hearing from them again once they went out on their search for you eventually found their way back and allowed both you and Howdy to work at their fish merchant shop so you two can build a future for yourselves. As for Howdy's parents, you guys just cut all ties with them, per Howdy's request of course. 

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