Still Into You

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"Then maybe we should break up!"

Sanji wakes up to the annoying sound of his alarm clock. He turns it off, head subconsciously looking to the other side of the bed only to see it empty. He use to think the bed was small but now there's so much space. It's also cold. No matter how many blankets he uses to cover himself.

His mind still half asleep tells him to search the living room for his warmth. Groggy he moves the covers off himself, sitting up. He puts his slippers on and saunters out of his room, down the hall to the living room. Finding that room also empty. Now awake Sanji sighs in defeat. He wish she were around.

Sanji turns around to go back down the hall, instead of his room he goes into the bathroom, to do his morning routine. Brushing his teeth, then taking a quick morning shower. In his robe he walks back to his room, a bed room he use to share. He walks into the large walk in closet. He takes a second to look at one side, a bright red dress catching his eye. He walks over to it, touching it between his fingers. The soft material bringing back memories of soft tan skin in red, the heat of both their bodies pressing against each other. Heated breath burning his ear as he can hear her moan, the sound like music to his ears.

He shakes his head. He shouldn't be thinking about that right now. He can tonight after work. Like last night as he masturbated. He turns to his side of the closet. He easily and quickly picks out his outfit for the day. Since the weather is warm he'll go a little basic and just have his vest on and leave it at that.

As he buttons his vest, the last piece of clothing to put his outfit together, his phone rings. He moves to his night stand where his phone sat still charging. He takes a quick look at the screen then answers it, putting it up to his ear, going to the large mirror to check himself. He can imagine her beside him getting ready for the day. He wish he can see the smiles and hear the laughs again.

"Hello Nami, to what do I owe the pleasure of your call this morning?" Sanji says but rather flat compared to how he normally would say it.

"Can I expect to see you at lunch today? Last week you flaked on us." Nami says but not mad, she knew, they all did, the blonde hasn't been the same since his break up. "I know last week was, would have been your sixth anniversary." Nami says quietly, Sanji would have missed it but he always listens to a lady.

"Where are we having it again?" Sanji asks rubbing his face, trying not to think about what she said. They had been together for so long, since high school. He thought she'd marry him. He had everything planned. It would have been months ago when he proposed, obviously that didn't happen. Instead he drank himself into a massive hangover.

"... at your cafe. Did you forget?" Nami asks.

"Sorry, my mind hasn't been right lately."

"I know, it's been like that for a while. We'll be around at noon. Want me to bring Luffy? He'll help distract you." Nami wonders. Sanji shakes his head moving away from the mirror to go into the bathroom to clean his face and do his hair.

"Don't. I want to relax." Sanji says. Nami laughs at him.

"Alright. I won't invite him." Nami says. "Remember, noon."

"Noon." He says back. He hears her hum. "Bye." He says ending the call. He sets his phone down. The end call screen changing to his wallpaper. A picture of him and his love smiling at the camera, he took that the day they both graduated high school. He looks at his reflection to see he has small bags under his eyes and his skin is almost pasty white. He should be taking care of himself but he can't find the will to do so properly.

When he's done he leaves the bathroom, passing the kitchen to the front door. He stops to stare at the picture frame of him and his girlfriend, well ex technically, holding each other. The picture was taken by Usopp. It was taken during her ninetieth birthday. He asked their friends to help set it up. He promised he'd always celebrate with her but he has missed two. Already he's broken the promise.

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