♡ Chapter 5 ♡

Începe de la început

“Hey, (Y/N).”

‘Argh, that was so embarrassing!’


At this point, I was just screaming internally and couldn't hear my name being called out.


“Huh?” I turned to the direction where I heard my name being called out. I saw Sabo looking at me while Ace was just eating.

“You okay? I called your name like three times, and you didn't respond..” Sabo said with a tint of worry in his voice.

“Ah, uhm, yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry about it! I just.. zoned out for a minute there, that's all!” I said as I gave him a reassuring smile. “But what did you want to tell me?”

“Oh, right!” He then grabbed part of the fish and gave me a piece of it. “Here! You seemed pretty hungry and well, I don't want you to starve.” He said as he smiled at me.

My eyes widened and brightened from his offer of kindness. I gladly accept the food and thanked him for it.

“Aw, thank you so much, Sabo! You're so sweet! ” I smiled as I grabbed the food he offered and took a bite out of it.

“A-Ah! You're welcome, and uh.. thank you..” He flusteredly spoke as blush started forming on his face.

“Mhm!” I hummed as I took another bite of the food. Sabo then shook his head and tried cooling off. He then turned his head to Luffy. “Here, you can have the tail.” He stated with a smile as he gave it to Luffy.

Luffy's eyes lit up, and he smiled brightly. “Thanks Sabo!” Luffy beamed. Sabo just smiled as he offered it.

“You're too nice.” Ace stated with his mouth full while taking another bite.

“Yeah? What's wrong with that?” Sabo questioned as he looked back at Ace. “So, Luffy, I heard you ate a Devil Fruit. Is that true?”

“Yep!” Luffy responded.

“I see. So that means you can't swim, huh?” Sabo questioned while looking back at Luffy. He then stood up and walked towards Luffy. “Which fruit did you eat?” He asked.

“Gum-Gum Fruit!” Luffy responded as he threw the fish's tail up and ate it in one gulp.

“Gum-Gum? What's that?” Sabo asked.

“Rubber!” Luffy replied as he wiped his mouth with his arm.

“Who wants to be made of rubber? And you can't even swim? That's so lame.” Ace stated.

“No, It's totally awesome! Cuz I got all these cool special moves that only I can do!” Luffy explained.

“Fine. You win, you win. But if your special moves are so cool, why don't you make one that'll catch us some fish, you freeloader.” Ace replied in a sorta mockingly way as he laid down on the floor.

Luffy frowned and headed towards angrily. But as he headed towards Ace, he got held back by Sabo since he was stretching his cheek, which held Luffy in place.

“His whole body is really made out of rubber! That's neat!” Sabo exclaimed.

“Let g-go of my face!..” Luffy demanded as Sabo then let go, causing Luffy to fall. Sabo just laughed and then turned his attention to me.

“What about you (Y/N)? Have you eaten a Devil Fruit?” He asked.

I shook my head as I finished eating. “Nope, I haven't eaten a Devil Fruit.” I answered.

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