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Pigsy seemed to agree with you, "Y/N is right, those spider people aren't just gonna line up for a sip." He proclaimed as he crossed his arms. "And even if they did, are we forgetting about Spider Queen? She defeated the Monkey King! How are you..." Tang who had his hand on his chin started, but he couldn't finish as Mk cut him off.

"We'll find a way! We always do." He encouraged, making you all excited.

Just then, Sandy raised his hand up to speak up, "Well, I might have an idea." He pulled a remote out of his beard and pressed a button, making water shooters come out of the drone. Mei yelled in excitement while Mk smiled hopefully.

"With this, we might have a chance!"

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You ran on the rooftops, avoiding being seen by the Spider Queen's followers or any of the infected people. Your mission was to free Monkey King and DBK while Mk and the group distract the Spider Queen.

You neared the spider mech and waited for your signal, and it sure came when you saw the dronecopter shot the antidotes. Thus, without wasting time, you jumped high and pulled your sword out, "Love Breathing: Second Form: Love Pangs." You swang your sword, performing a singular and long-winding strike that hit the mech in multiple angles to creat a giant hole. You jumped through it, landing in a room filled with demons trapped in spider webs, "Oh no! You're all trapped here, I will free you!" You exclaimed before performing a second form.

"Love Breathing: First Form: Shivers of First Love." You dashed forward and performed one strike that freed the demons with one slash of your whip sword.

Your green eyes then landed on DBK who was kneeling on the ground, "Mr. Bull King! Are you okay?" You asked as tears welled up in your eyes. He growled under his breath before looking at you, "I'm fine, what about my son?" He asked with slight concern. You smiled as you help him up, "He is fine with the others, don't worry." You could hear him let out a small sigh of relief.

"I also fell down, y'know. He was not the only one trapped in here."

Upon hearing the voice, you turned around and saw a monkey still wrapped in the ropes, "Oh, I'm really sorry! I didn't know!" You exclaimed and moved to help him, but DBK walked toward him first. You stood back with a hand on your mouth, he said something to the monkey man before he went to leave, "Uh, where are you going, mr. DBK?" You asked with slight hesitation. He glanced at you for a moment, "To find my half-baked s... son." With that being said, he dashed forward to leave the mech.

"I've honestly missed that guy."

You looked back at the monkey who was scratching the back of his head while smiling, "Huh? I have just realized that he looks like Macaque." You thought as you noticed the little similarities between him and Macaque. You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard him talk to you, "Thanks for saving me, it was really annoying in here. By the way, my name is Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. And you are?" He asked, a flirtatious smirk on his face that made you blush.

"Oh... Um, I'm Y/N Kanroji."

"Well Y/N, let's go and help the others, shall we?"

Before any of you could react, a cold aura surrounded the room. You and Wukong turned around and saw a young girl standing behind Wukong, "So, you thought you had all the pieces right where you wanted them." He said as he frowned. You felt your hand slightly tremble, but you held your ground. The girl smiled innocently at you two, "There are so many moves I have yet to play." She said, her voice was very cold. Wukong mumbled something before dashing toward the girl, but she disappeared before he could attack her. You didn't know what was happening, but you know for sure that the girl was obviously a bad news.

You slowly approach Wukong who was very upset, "Are you going to be fine, mr. Monkey King?" You asked him with a soft voice. The monkey let out a sigh before smiling at you, "Yeah, let's get going."


You and the others watched as Mk and Monkey King defeated the Spider Queen, destroying her mech completely. However, Mk was falling down from the sky which made both Wukong and Bull King to move and catch him before he could hit the ground.

The mech suddenly exploded and you moved to use your sword to push away any flying dribs. Eventually, you all made it to the rooftop to enjoy what remains of the new year celebration. Of course, Tang and the rest were gawking upon seeing Monkey King. You had already bud goodbye to Mk and his friends and were about to go home, but DBK and Redson had stopped you.

"I would like to... thank you for saving me twice."

"Yeah, I must admit that without your help we could've lost father."

You giggled and scratched the back of your head, "It's no problem at all, I'm happy to help." You said with a small blush, feeling happy that you managed to save them. Redson then approached you, "If you need help with anything, I'm available, okay?" He offered you his hand and you took it, shaking it with a bit of excitement. After a few minutes, you left the group, making your way back home. You were very excited to tell Macaque about this adventure.

You can't wait for his return.

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