The Plan

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Harry Potter, the-boy-who-lived, stood on the floor of his bedroom blankly staring at a wall. The sounds of cars passing once every few minutes and the loud noises coming from the TV downstairs could be barely heard under the sound of loud buzzing and quiet whispers ringing in his ears. Hedwig threw a tiny stick at Harry, snapping him back to reality. He still stood still, but he was now aware of the noises and objects around him. He caught a glimpse of a crimson red liquid splattered onto the cement floor. Some was dry, and some was still shining under the sunlight.

Suddenly, Harry jumps up, feeling enormous amounts of pain. He tried to pinpoint the exact location of the pain, yet he couldn't. His whole body hurt. It felt as if somebody used an extra sharp fork to turn all his muscles and organs into what best could be described as pulled pork. The part which hurt most was his big toe. He looked at it, and soon noticed somsthing disturbing. His nail was missing.

Instead of the whitish-beige, hard nail that should be on the top of his toe was a nail-shaped patch of fresh meat, blood and a bunch of salt. Then he remembered.

              Flashback-The previous night

                Harry was cooking dinner for the fat pigs he called family. When preparing the table, he accidentally dropped a glass of water onto the floor, making it shatter on impact. Vernon was livid. His head was purple, veins popping out of his forehead and neck. His eyes were wide and his eyebrows were furrowed. His teeth were clenched so hard you could crush a diamond between them. Horrified, Harry rushed to bick up the glass shards but he accidentally cut his finger, making a singular drop of blood fall onto the floor. When he saw that, Vernon snapped. He kicked the boy so hard he flew into the wall. Then, Vernon took a handful of shards and threw them at Harry. One landed in his eye. His eyes started watering and a mix of blood and tears streabed down his face. That made the fat man even angrier, so he took Harry upstairs and threw him in his bedroom. He started beating him up, kicking his vital organs and stomping on his frail legs and arms. Then, he took a pair of pliers and tried to pull out Harry's toenail. After about a minute, he succeeded. Vernon took about a handful of salt and glass shards from the kitchen and started sprinkling it onto Harry's open wounds. He ended the night by carving "worthless" on his back using a box cutter.

                                          -end of flashback-

Harry stood still for a few more minutes. He was glad that in about a week he'd go to Hogwarts again. He dreaded the day something would go wrong this year, but he tried not to think about what could happen.

Ey, Harry,  ya know why this shit keeps happenin' to ya? Why everyone keeps dying?


Harry tried to ignore the voice, but it continued.

Listen here freak, yer cursed. It's ya fault that they're dead. Why don'cha do everyone a favour and kill yerself? It'd be better for 'em!

Harry tried not to listen, but he knew what the voice said was true. Every person he has ever held dear has died. He doesn't wish that fate for the Weasley's (which are like a family to him) , he doesnt wish to kill Hermione either. And he doesn't want to hurt Sirius under any circumstances. But he'll be hurt when he dies.... Even though, he's pretty sure that dying is better than getting Sirius killed, so it doesnt matter how he grieves. But what about Ron and Hermione?..
He realises that he can just ignore and avoid them them. He'll distance himself from everyone he holds dear. Then, when everybody forgets him, he'll be able to kill himself. Yes. That's a great idea.

Yer finally understood what'cha need to do. good god, that took long enough, kid.

Bravo!! You finally understood that you're worthless!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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