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touya shouldered his leather jacket as he stepped off the elevator. he was already annoyed that everytime he had to meet shigaraki, he had to go up to the highest floor—that's ten minutes in the elevator, especially since every one and they mama has to step onto the lift along the way. 

at least a familiar face hopped on and kept him occupied. toga gave him a mischievous look as she skipped to the empty area beside him. 

touya scoffed. "what's got you in such a great mood?"

"who'd you pick??" she ignored his question, excited to hear his answer. he crossed his arms and leaned back on the shiny mirror behind him. the elevator was so sleek and shiny it made his skin crawl. 

"you'll see."

"well, turns out i have to see tomura-kun too, so i guess i'll hear the winner anyway." she stuck her tongue out at him and mirrored his relaxed stance. 

the elevator dinged and revealed atsuhiro sako. the man's expression lit up as he recognized his friends. "well, hello."

"atsu, got a meeting with tomura?" toga asked as he joined the crew on dabi's other side. 

"...yes, actually. yourselves?" 

touya nodded and toga chirped a giggly, 'yup!' atsuhiro hummed. "last i checked, so did jin."

touya pursed his lips, a wry chuckle escaping him. "guess it's a party, then."

the lift dinged and revealed jin.

"well, speak of the devil," touya grinned as all three of them on the elevator made space for jin to lean up as well. "tomura?" he asked.

jin knew exactly what he was asking. he flashed a big smile. "you betcha!" he had his usual hat on, a tight one that he rarely took off. 

finally, without any more interruptions, the group arrived at the apex of the building. the elevator doors parted to reveal black floors and walls, occasionally decorated with large ornate portraits. they approached the frosted glass in the distance.

"think he'll be in a good mood?" toga asked.

jin scoffed. "he's got that other stupid gang to worry about. he's not gonna be in a good mood."

touya didn't bother knocking; he burst through the doors of the boss' office, the place so minimalistic that it didn't warrant the grand space. at least the desk and chair looked appropriate.   

"finally." tomura groaned as he spun around slowly to face his friends in his overly cushioned chair. one of his legs were up. "thought you'd never get here."

"if you're gonna complain about time, move your office to the first floor." touya rolled his eyes. 

toga skipped over to tomura's side. his deadpan eyes followed her as she babbled excitedly about her day. "guess what?"

tomura blinked slowly as a small smile appeared on his face. "what?"

"i found a weakness!" she slammed a photo onto his glass desk and he glared at her for her lack of tact. "BAM. a baby!" 

"huh?" that was the last thing tomura expected to hear. he peered at the low quality, blurred photo that toga took on her assigned stakeout. "toga, that could be anything."

her wide eyes fell into half-lids. "uh-huh. and what's that?"

he glanced at the picture again. "it's just a light blue ball of fur. it could be a dog." he barely reacted when she gripped his shoulder and shook it. 

"i'm telling you, tomu. it's a baby. a baby!" she laughed, pushing her cheek against his as she brought the photo closer to both their faces. "think about how you can use it to crush those assholes!"

tomura sighed, slipping out of toga's grip. "uh-huh." he took the photo from her. "i'll look into it."

she grinned, feeling proud as she launched herself onto the nearby sofa. 

"anyways, before i talk to any of you about anything else," tomura turned to touya. "did you find a girl?"

touya nodded. "yeah."

tomura paused, waiting for his right hand to continue. when he didn't, he rolled his eyes. "well?"

"she'll be at the next race." he confirmed, pulling out his phone from his pocket. "i'll send her number to the group chat."


toga groaned. "god, could you two be any more dry? what's her name? what does she look like?"

"why do you care?" touya shot back in a mocking tone. 

"because, it sucks being the only girl in this group. you guys don't get it." she waved them off, rolling onto her stomach.

tomura sighed. he was used to dealing with toga, ever since he ran into her when she was just a kid; first year of high school, she ran away and ended up on the wrong side of town. while she was tough enough to be on her own for a little while, she still needed a home and food and water, which lead to her taking her in. "don't worry toga, tomorrow will come before you know it." he said monotonously.

jin sat next to her sulking form, patting her back. "yeah, what boss said. wanna go raid some restaurant while we wait?"

she peaked from the refuge of her arms. "really?"

jin nodded solemnly. "really."

the two left with a bunch of mischievous giggles and whispers. tomura massaged his temples. it seems that jin forgot to actually report back to him. whatever. touya left shortly after, wanting to film it all for potential blackmail.

atsuhiro stepped forward to the desk and placed his hands on it. "well, as for me, boss—"


"i organized the next few races for the month." he reported.

"good. that's good."

"yeah, well, guess who's also starting commotion about joining these races after we banned them?"

tomura grit his teeth. "chisaki."

"precisely." atsuhiro pulled up his phone, scrolling through forum. "we're receiving backlash for leaving them out of the league, especially since they've won the hearts of many spectators. people love watching them. they have finesse and charm, not to mention that flag girl everyone loves so much."

tomura blew a strand of hair out of his face. "that's why we're getting our own. hopefully she'll be able to hold a flame to chisaki's girl, otherwise she'll be useless."

"touya has a great judge of character and skill. he wouldn't have picked her if he didn't think she could handle it."

tomura's lips quirked upward as he scoffed. "yeah, we'll see."

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