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The lady who bore the lord of the universe himself , the one who had to endure the pain of watching her own blood being mercilessly shed infront of her own eyes was the princess of Mathura . The darling sister of the cruel king Kamsa , the mother of yhe heroes , presenting before you  Mathura kumari Devaki .

 The darling sister of the cruel king Kamsa , the mother of yhe heroes , presenting before you  Mathura kumari Devaki

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She went on to become the wife of a Yadava chieftain thereby becoming a queen . However her wedding day itself turned into her doom due to an ominous foreboding for her brother and the rest became history . The tragedy of a mother beholding death of her newborns is comparable to none . However she rose above the rest to prove herself to be more than a mere daughter,  sister , wife or mother . Her tragic life is going to be replayed by one of our sakhi . So Gatha Raniyon ki welcomes and presents,


as Rani Devaki

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