Zone of Endless

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"Now,each of us will carry one wings of each fallen wingmen"-Trigger take out a liquor bottle as their tradition-"we will fight for them,as their spirit still within our squadron,for Blaze"

"For Blaze"-everyone raises their cup to the air and drinks,knowing that tomorrow,the rest of former Razgriz squadron members will be retired.Then suddenly,the phone of Long Caster rang,a notification from the HQ.

"Hold up,everyone,get in my room"-Cipher drags them along,as his room is the furthest from any foreign-"Long Caster,what did it say?"

The AWACS operator keeps looking at his phone without saying a word,trying to decode the message.One minute past,then two,and everyone is still silent.Finally,Long Caster move to the table,and write down some words on the paper.Mobius looks at him,confused,but she realized that this is the way HQ sent them the mission details,the Oured HQ is up to something.

"Good news everyone"-Long Caster stand up,knowing that they no need to keep the message in secret,he speak out loud-"An assistant fighter would be send to our squadron,it was taken off 5 minutes ago from North Osea,and will fly constantly to Okinawa,estimately at 6 AM tomorrow it will arrive.I must report this to the base command"-he walk out of the room-"Go to sleep,all of you deserved to have a rest"

Waiting for Long Caster to move away,Cipher close the door:

"The Oured must be panicked from the destruction of Justice,they want to focus on the war,but it was too late to save Hilton"

"I would kill that damn Su-57 if I could"

"Speaking of that,I truly wonder about that pilot"-Trigger rest his head against the wall-"that pilot callsign is Koshka,he came from Russia and fly a modified Su-57,that's all I know,he tricked both Larry and Henry into his guns range,shot downed Justice by himself,and just one fire attempt"

"A skillful pilot,far better than anyone we've rival,even Solntse squadron"-Mobius thinking back when she shot the Su-47's pilot down with a clever move-"I forgot to ask,but what happened to the rest of Solntse?"

"The ran away,we were outgunned and can't get too close,I expect that we would have to deal with both of these problem in near future,maybe both at once.Jezz,that man Koshka,judging on his fighting style,he isn't just a king of mischief,but also a good pilot like Maykl,a bear with big brain is far dangerous in leading those four bears than a normal bear."

"Well,it's already settled,we have no choice but improve to adapt. Otherwise, death is waiting for us"

"I hope that the new one would be a decent man"-Talisman tried to change the topic-"Some one that could replace either Hilton, Snow or Grimm,I would miss them so much"

"I want another woman, the gender balance of our squadron seemed to be very unequal"-Pixy joking a look at Mobius, but no one laughted, not even a chuckle-"Your desire is unnecessary to consider, Larry"-said Cipher.

The next day,5:50 AM

The C-5 Galaxy taken off from the runway of Okinawa,heading toward Osea,among the passengers,there is Grimm and Snow,on their last mission to return home.From the ground,the rest of the squadron wave their hands as a goodbye,they know that some of them would never meet these two again.

"They left,too soon I might say,but this is better for them"-Mobius look at the white traces of smoke from the cargo plane slowly falling down to the sea.


The cargo plane slowly disappears into the cloud,the feeling is just like Hawkeye 4,but at least they return to Osea in one piece.They can do nothing but pray that the trauma won't last long,and they can get back to their normal life prior the war.After it completely when over their eyesight,Pixy intended to walk away,but a big hand grab his shoulder:Long Caster show the watch on his hand:6 AM:

"You forgot"-he look at the old pilot-"our assistant is coming and will land anytime soon"


Before Pixy can finish talking,the blue sky erupted in sonic boom,a second later,a white small figure,with unfolding forward swept wings appears over the sky,spinning 360 degree multiple times before it constantly reduces altitude,and smoothly touches down the runway.Even with little to no knowledge about aircraft technology,except for the plane they fly,all can realized something:

"Drone"-Mobius mumbled to herself

"They are trying to replace pilots with this,I have read it from the newspaper"-Maiden whisper to Talisman,who stand next to him-"But the plan need real pilots to fly.Therefore,we're paid to lose our job"

Not waiting for the rest to finish their talking,Long Caster walked toward the landed aircraft,which was rolling out of the runway.Like it could see his appearance,the white plane stopped right before the standing man.

"Lady and gentlemen,I introduce you Eliza Narla,our new assistant,she was installed into a prototype of Grunder Industries ADF programme"-Long Caster said,while his hand put on the side of the plane-"This girl will help to improve our performance in the battlefield and deal with the enemies by herself,say hello,Eliza"

"Good morning,I am Eliza Narla, an AI developed in project NEMO,a collaboration program between North Osea Grunder Industries and General Resource Limited"-the plane introduce itself with a robotic voice-"My host aircraft is ADFX-10,I shall provide combat data for the 297th Tactical Fighter Wings from today"

"H..hi"-Mobius doesn't really know if she likes the AI,if it can help provide data for her plans then it's good,but the fact that it is a drone still makes her feel uncomfortable.In contrast,most of the squadron just walk away from the plane,aside from Trigger and Talisman,who want to touch the plane,but they don't want to ruin anything,so the two mans just stand there looking,the rest don't seem to be interest.The ADFX-10 don't feel like they need it anymore,the wheels of its rolling to the hangar.

"They don't like the drone to take over"-Long Caster watches his pilots go away-"I understand,anyway"-he opened his phone-"You should have breakfast soon,new mission is coming"

2 hours later

"Hawkeye 11,you will continue to be the captain of Hawkeye squadron,take your plane to the lead position,heading 040,we will meet the 299th,300th and the USAF really soon"

"Roger that"

The 297th squadron take to the sky again,with two third left of the formed infamous Wyvern fleet,along with an extra wingman.They are returning to Shanghai,but this time not alone.

LGSSR 297th Tactical Fighter Wings's structure

Long Caster:Commander


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