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screams could be heard throw the kingdom of woodrey, princess vissaera was giving birth to her first child. She was in her bed chambers clinging onto one off her maids hand as they were trying to wipe sweat from her forehead.

"almost there princess, just one more push" the maid said as she was helping vissaera push her baby out."get this fucking baby out of me" she screamed one last time, blowing out a sigh of release as she could hear the cries from the end of her bed.

She was trying to catch her breath as she looked down the end of her bed, there she could spot a little baby in the arms of a maid."well done princess, a baby girl" smiling vissaera held her hands out to the maid a signal she wanted to hold the baby.

Gently grabbing the baby from the maid, she could feel how light she felt in her hands, looking down at her she could see lilac coloured eyes staring back at her. smiling vissaera gently pushed back her curly dark hair 'she looked just like her father' the princess thought.

"oh my sweet little girl" she softly whispered, as she heard the doors to the her chambers open, looking up she watched as her husband walked in. Stopping in his tracks at the scene in front of him, there on the bed sat his wife and a baby in her hands, their little baby.

"its a girl" he heard looking at his wife."a girl" she softly nodded."come" she said wanting her husband to meet his child, slowing walking forward Anthony grew nervous. he was finally going to meet his first child after nine long moons.

finally making it to the bed Anthony could see the beautiful baby girl laying in his wife's arms.

"she's beautiful" he whispered, looking towards his wife, he asked."can I hold her" looking up from the baby vissaera scooted over a little trying to making room for her husband to sit. finally sitting down Anthony held out his hands, Vissaera gentle gave him the baby.

"have you named her yet" Anthony asked looking at Vissaera."no, I was waiting until you got here" she said back running her hands down Anthonys arm."well what do you have in mind" looking at Anthony she whispered.

"Rhaena Velarei"

looking away from the baby Anthony met vissaera eyes."sound beautiful"

A/N ~ first ever fanfic, so I may make some mistake in the word and if I do please tell me so I can fix it.

please also check out my edit account for this fanfic on TikTok r0st1ta.wp

also thanks to all the people who have read this:)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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