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"It is quite a necklace

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"It is quite a necklace." Carina's mama says as she enters the room, looking at Carina wear a necklace gifted to her by one of her suitors. "Do you like it?"
"It is very beautiful." Carina replies, mustering up a dim smile.
"But do you like it?" her mama pressed. Tired with the game of cat and mouse, Carina says,
"If you should have something to say, Mama, please say it."

Clearly hesitant of her next words, Violet replies, "Well, I only wonder... If you wear that necklace at tonight's ball, what will the duke think?"
"Oh, Mama!" Carina exclaims exasperated. Duke this, Duke that, her mama just couldn't let the Duke go.
"Until you have decided to accept the anyone else's proposal, I simply think you should keep your mind open." her mama said desperately, hoping Carina would agree,

"Mama, I do not care what the duke thinks. Besides, he will not even be at tonight's ball." Carina comments offhandedly as she brushes her perfectly styled hair, trying to find a distraction.
"What happened between the two of you? her mama questioned.
"Nothing happened." Carina said defensively. "He is leaving."

"I know my daughter. I know it was not nothing between you." Violet says.
"You do not know. You do not know anything." Carina exclaimed, the burden of keeping up with the lies, especially from her mama, finally too much to bear. She was beginning to crack, and she did not have enough strength to fill those up anymore,
"Carina, I know what I saw!" her mama exclaimed, now voices of both women raised, filled with emotion and desperation.

"What you saw...was a lie." Carina says, turning to face her mother.
"It was a lie. It was a ruse. The... duke and I, we were pretending, all so I could attract a suitor of a high enough rank, all so I could be that much more... desirable, and the duke unavailable." Carina said, looking around and finding tasks to busy herself. Brushing her hair, putting some rogue, wearing her gloves.
"It was an agreement. It was an act, and it worked. We got what we wanted. You did, too. I now can have anyone, even the Prince. You should be proud." she said.

"What I wanted, dearest, was for you to have the best, not in terms of rank, but love. And what I have seen between you and the duke..." violet says, tears slipping from her eyes, when Carina interrupted her, with a crack in her voice and tear in her eyes.
"It was not real, Mama! Everything you saw... None of it was real." She panted, lowering her voice and reeling her emotions in.
"Well, it... It is over now. I do not have to pretend any longer." She sat down on her chair, and let out a sob.

"I am sorry, Mama. I am so sorry. I did not mean to lie to you, I am so sorry." Carina cried, as her mama rushed to her and held her. "It is a beautiful necklace, I should like it very much." Carina whispered, now calm, and returned to prepare for the night's ball.


As we all know, there is nothing this author loves more than a scandal, and tonight's soiree promises more than its fair share, courtesy of the recently widowed Lady Trowbridge.
Some may call her celebrations too provocative, and I would caution any young lady from getting caught up in the sensual nature of her fêtes. For one scandalous move between an unwed couple, a wayward touch, or heaven forbid, a kiss, would banish any young lady from society in a trail of ruin.

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