She watched as he rolled up the sleeves of his black shirt, leaving his arms at display. The same arms that had been wrapped around her waist the past couple of balls. She had dreamt about being held in those arms more than what would be considered appropriate.

She looked at his muscular biceps, and veiny forearms, and felt her chest flutter as her body warmed up. Suddenly, breathing became difficult and all other thoughts in her head vanished.

Realising she had been staring too long when Simon met her gaze, she quickly turned to the Prince and attempted at conversation, "You must tell me, Your Highness, do you miss your homeland? I have never been to Prussia, but I have read of its beauty." She asked, as she split her attention between the match and the Prince.

"It has attractions, to be sure. That said, I attended school here in England, and I have often thought there is no better place to live, or to raise a family." He replied back, leaving Carina feeling uneasy.
"Uh, forgive me if I am too forthright, but you have a great affinity for your family, do you not?"

Now that made her smile, "I do. They are the dearest thing in the world to me. Are you close to yours?"
"I grew up with many cousins running underfoot and I believe I should like the same for my children one day... if my wife were amenable, of course." He said, looking Carina straight in the eye.

She cleared her throat and decided to lay out her intentions to him, "Your Highness, forgive me if I seem rude, but I think we have the wrong impressions of each other. You are wonderful, you are thoughtful, kind, funny, charming, but you are also a Prince. And my apologies Your Highness, I mean no disrespect but I never intended to marry you. The life of the Crown, is just not for me. I desire different things in life, things I cannot achieve if I marry the throne."

The Prince looked upset, perhaps confused, but yet understanding instead of angry. Carina let out a relieved sigh, at least she would not be declared traitor for disrespecting the throne. "I understand, Miss Bridgerton. I have no intention to force you into marriage. I am glad you told me this before anything could escalate. You are delightful company, i hope we can still be friends?" He questioned, with a sweet smile on his face, "Of course Your Majesty," Carina replied with a smile of her own, as they continued to share stories and laugh.

Simon did not expect her to be here. But ever since he saw her, her arm linked with the prince like it usually was with his, he couldn't stop thinking about her. His eyes would always go back to her no matter how hard he tried not to look.

Only, he would find her talking to the Prince, or laughing with him, like she is right now, and his blood would boil with jealousy so wild, he wanted to march upto them, rip them apart and tear the Prince's arm from his body for touching her, for touching his Carina.

But doing that would not help anybody, and would anger Carina. And despite how desirable she looked when angry, he did not wish to make matters between them any worse than they already are.

So he continued to ignore them, even if it took all the strength of his body to control himself, and focused on the match. Even when he heard Carina cheering for Mondrich, and felt something like joy, love and pride creep in his heart, he dared not look at her again, because he knew, if he did, he might just go and kiss her, claim her as his in front of everyone present.


"Your brother took you where?" Their mama shrieked, as Carina practiced some pianoforte and Daphne took up some embroidery right beside her elder sister.

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