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Jisung had woken up to a feeling of hugging a pillow instead of hunting Minho so he got up and it was most definitely a pillow.

He got up and walked over to the bathroom to wash off the sweat he had on his face

Why am i sweaty?

He just shrugged it off and stripped his clothes off and got in the shower


Minho was sitting on the couch of the window seat he had upstairs, listening to the birds chirping melodies as he read a mythical book

The book Minho was reading was based of forestella's song white night! 

That's why there are some lyrics from the song and I do not own this! It's just my imagination!

Chapter 1

Narcissa watched as the place where she grew up with burned down to the fallen of the willow family

It was a normal evening when narcissa was reading a book

"Honey, what are you reading?" Mother said

"Oh I'm just reading a Harry Potter book"

"Oh that's wonderful, say who's your favorite in the book?"

"Definitely hermionie, she's such a kind person in this book"

Mother opened her mouth to say a word before crashing was heard from the other room

"Narcissa Judy willow."

Narcissa knew when mother was serious, she would use her full name and it scared her

"Follow me. It's happening"

"Y-yes mother"

Mother grabbed narcissa's arm as she opened the window

"Trust me okay? Jump out of this window I'll go first. You can follow after"

Mother jumped out of the window and landed safely, she reached her arms and signaled narcissa to jump

Narcissa tried to calm down a bit before taking a leap of faith and made it into mothers arms

"Now we have to run! Run as fast as you can!"

Narcissa being a teenager and taller then mother, she ran faster than mother

Before she could notice, mother was taken a back when she was being held down on the ground


"Just go" mother said in a weak voice as she was being chocked

"Remember! The tune! Use it once your safe! Find an empty grassland!"

That's it.

That was mother's last words

"Wait! Please! My stuff don't burn it down!"

It was too late... the mansion had burned down

All her belongings, gone

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