Chapter 2: TRATIOR

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Sir Davos wakes to the sound of ghost howling. He doesn't think he'll ever get used to the sight of the damned creature. Direwolfs are loyal fucking bastards and Davos found himself worried even with nothing to worry about.

Though Jon apparently never really saw a threat in the beast. Ghost would come running towards Jon after they were apart and pounce him if he wasn't already kneeling to touch there head together.

Jon, when they have meat, always drops some of his own already small portion down to the direwolf.

It took Davos a while to really understand the connection but when he did it all made sense. Ghost was the only thing that reminded Jon of his home.

His father, brother, and the woman that rasied him were dead. His two younger brothers dead. Sister dead. And the other sister was being held captive by the same house that helped kill his brother but also took his home.

Why the fuck did life have to be so messy and cruel? It had taken so much from Jon yet Jon still chose to see good in people.

Davos shrugged on his coat.

Damn Northern weather. He thought as he walked out into the chilly night air. He saw ghost next to a body it was enough to wake him up completely and hurry down the stairs.

He slows as he approaches Jon's body. Other brothers of the Night's Watch approach. Davos kneels beside the boys body.

Another soul taken from this world to soon. Blood painted the snow around the boy red. He was only fifteen but the scars on his face made him look well into his twenties. Just like his father.

"It's the Lord Commander!" Some random perosn yells but Davos doesn't want to pay them any mind as he looks at the features of a now deseaded friend.

He had always thought he looked older than he was just like his father had after the rebellion. Though lying here he looked every inch the boy who hadn't reached his sixteenth nameday yet.

Dolorous Edd and some other Night's Watchmen rush up behind Davos.

"Help me get him inside." Davos said as he noticed the snow starting to freeze to his face, how long was he out there.

The other Night's Watch brothers pick up Jon Snow's body and carry it away.

Davos remains, staring at the left over pool of blood. Then he looks infornt of him to see the word TRATIOR painted in bold letters.


Dolorous Edd wipes the table clean. The other Night's Watch brothers place Jon's body on the table. DOLOROUS places his hand on JON's wounds, then brushes his eyes closed.

"Thorne did this." Edd said firmly to Davos

"How many of your brothers do you think you can trust?" Davos asked.

"Trust?" Edd asked for clarification, "The men in this room."

"Does the wolf know you?" Davos asked thinking back to the wolf Davos had put back in his cage so he didn't randomly eat someone over his owners death.

Dolorous Edd looks at Davos over his shoulder and nods.

"We need all the help we can get." Davos said.

As Edd moves towards the door, someone knocks on it. The Night's Watch brothers draw their blades.

"Ser Davos." A womans voice could be heard from behind the door.


Edd looks over his shoulder at Davos. Davos, although seething on the inside, nods.

The Night's Watch brothers sheathe their swords. Edd walks to the door and opens it. Melisandre gives a polite small nod to him before stepping into the room.

Edd closes the door behind her. Melisandre wears an expression that Sir Davos can only describe as distressed at the sight of Jon Snow's body.

"I saw him in the flames, fighting at Winterfell." Melisandre says quitely, in shock.

"I can't speak for the flames, but he's gone." Davos says.

Melisandre touches Jon's cheek. Her eyes hold sadness as if she had known him for years. As if this was Sansa Stark standing here. For some reason that ticked Davos off but he stayed silent.


Alliser Thorne sits at the high table among the other leaders of the Night's Watch. The rest of the Night's Watch brothers are shouting at each other.

"He was our Lord Commander!" Man #1 shouted. Danny didn't know his name but he liked him.

"He never should have been!" Man #2 shouted but Danny dubbed him asshole number he-lost-count

Thorne pounds his fist three times on the high table, then stands. The room quiets. Many glares are being shot up at the man.

"You all know why you're here. Jon Snow is dead." Thorne said

"Who killed him?" Man #1 asked.

"I did." Thorne proudly boasts.

Danny's hand atuomatically go to clutch his sword that rests, as always, at his side.

The Night's Watch brothers resume shouting.

"And Bowen Marsh and Othell Yarwyck and the other officers in this castle." Thorne says.

Danny looks at them and pictures all them bloody painting the snow under them red as he left them there just as they left Jon.



The shouting resumes. Ollie, the little kid, walks up beside the high table. Alliser Thorne pounds the high table again.

"You're right!" He shouts.

The shouting stops.

"We've committed treason, all of us. Jon Snow was my Lord Commander. I had no love for him. That was no secret. But I never once disobeyed an order. Loyalty is the foundation on which the Night's Watch is built, and the Watch means everything to me. I have given my life, we have all given our lives to the Night's Watch. Jon Snow was going to destroy the Night's Watch. He let the wildlings through our gates, as no Lord Commander has ever done before. He gave them the very land on which they reaved and raped and murdered. Lord Commander Snow did what he thought was right, I've no doubt about that. And what he thought was right would have been the end of us. He thrust a terrible choice upon us, and we made it."

The men begin to murmur among themselves.

Ghost nudges Jon's hand and whimpers. The hand was scared and calloused and now as of recently covered in dried blood.

It was the same hand that he sometimes ate out of. It was the same hand that went through his snow white as a stress reliever.

Davos felt bad for the poor pup.

"He'll have seen we didn't come. Thorne will have made it official by now. Castle Black is his." Sir Davos says.

"I don't care who's sitting at the high table. Jon was my friend, and those fuckers butchered him. Now we return the favor." Edd said.

"We don't have the numbers." Davos told him.

"We have a direwolf." Edd said gesturing to the red eyed beast.

"It's not enough. I didn't know Lord Commander Snow for long, but I have to believe he wouldn't have wanted his friends to die for nothing."

"If you were planning to see tomorrow, you picked the wrong room. We all die today. I say we do our best to take Thorne with us when we go." Edd says.

"We need to fight, but we don't need to die. Not if we have help." Davos explains.

"Who's gonna help us?"

"You're not the only ones who owe your lives to Jon Snow." Davos says.

Ser Davos sees Edd's face wash over with realization. Edd turns to the Night's Watchman at his side.

"Bolt the door. Don't let anyone in. I'll be back as soon as I can." Edd says.

And with that Dolorous Edd leaves.

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