Happy times

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This is my AU so please don't take it seriously ok and enjoy

Red is in his room thinking about the past, like when he first met TSC, and when he was possessed well he is still traumatized about that incident.

"Why can't I just get over it!"-red pov
"Hmm, maybe I can go get some medicine to help"-red pov
Red goes downstairs quietly
"Hey red where are you going"-blue
" oh just going for a walk"-red
"But it's night time tho"-blue
Red start to sweat
"And you are scared of the dark"-yellow
"Well um I just like to night time air"-red
"Ok if you say so"-yellow
"Well ok bye"-red said quickly
At the doctors office
"Ok here is the medicine you are looking for"-doctor
"Thank you so much"-red
"Here you go doc"-red gives the doctor 10 dollars
Red gets home, and quickly goes upstairs to his room
"Ok let's see if these work, and doctor said to take these before I got to sleep"-reds pov
Takes medicine
"Ok time to go to sleep, let's hope this works"-reds pov
Red go to sleep, but then he woke up in a weird place
"Hello there are you new"-???
"Ah who are you "red said in shock
"I'm rose and welcome to the dream realm"-rose
"And I will be your dream helper"-rose
"A helper, to help me what?"-red
"To help you with your trauma, isn't that why you bought the pills?"-rose
"Well yah I guess so"-red softly
"Oh and also would you like a tour"-rose
"Um sure"-red
"Great let's start, follow me"-rose

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