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Harry walked behind the king of the goblins as they headed to the healing chamber for him to be checked out. Harry still could not get over what he had read from his inheritance test. Dumbledore had obliviated him over 40 times since he started school, he had obliviated him multiple times before he had even started Hogwarts. Dumbledore had used potions on him to make him like and dislike certain people. Was he even supposed to be a Gryffindor? Probably not. How much of what Harry had done during school because of Dumbledore's manipulations and how much did Harry want to do? Is Voldemort even the bad guy or is it Dumbledore? Did the prophecy even exist? 

"This is where I leave you," the King told Harry.

"Thank you, King Goblin," Harry said bowing slightly.

"Lay on the bed," a young female goblin told Harry once he was in the room.

Harry lay on the bed almost instantly wanting to fall asleep but knowing he could not. The goblin took a small amount of Harry's blood to see what types of magical problems or injuries Harry might have. A witch started to use multiple medical test spells to see what injuries if any needed to be healed. 

"There is nothing that needs to be healed," the witch said. "At least not that I can see."

"The Fae is correct," Goblin said coming back over once the blood was checked. "There is nothing that has not already been healed by your creature inheritance. Now let's head to the ritual chamber to remove those pesky blocks and hopefully get your memories back." 

Harry followed the goblin farther down the hall once more to another ornate door. This door was covered with white gold leaves and emeralds. The door opened and Harry entered. He was told to take off his clothing put on a white robe and then lay in the middle of a circle. Once Harry laid down in the center of the circle chanting started from the goblins that stood around the circle. After only a few minutes Harry started screaming in pain as he felt as if his mind was being ripped in two. After hours of chanting and screaming Harry was finally able to get up and redressed. 

"Come you must rest," the goblin healer said once Harry was standing and dressed.

Harry followed the goblin back through the hallway to the healing chamber. Harry laid back in the bed he had been in a few hours prior. Once his head hit the pillow, he was asleep without any dreams. 

"Curse Braker Weasley," the King said.

"King Ragnok," Bill said. "Why have I been called."

"It would seem that your 'mother' has been stealing from Prince Harry of wizarding Britan," Ragnok answered. 

"That woman has done what," Bill asked.

"She has stolen both money and relics from the prince and his family," Ragnok said. "Though she was not the one who took the items and money out of the accounts but was the one who used them."

"Would the other person to steal from the prince be Dumbledore," Bill asked feeling angry towards the ones who hurt his mate.

"That is not all," Ragnok answered. "Dumbledore with the help of Molly, Ron, and Ginny used both spells and potions to control Harry until he went through his inheritance early this morning. He is currently in the Ritual chamber getting everything removed and having his memories restored. I believe it would be a good idea that once he is healed you watch over him till school starts back up." 

"Thank you King Ragnok," Bill said.

"King Ragnok," a goblin said entering the room. "The wizarding prince is finished with his cleansing and is sleeping."

"Thank you," Ragnok told the goblin. "You will show Curse Bracker Weasley to the prince. Then you will join the others in getting everything that was stolen from him put back into his vaults as well as any incriminating information on Dumbledore brought to me."

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