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After the disappearance of my ally, I was left by myself again. What to do now? I mean, it seems like the people of this city don't like people with supernatural abilities. I won't go so easy on them next time.

I decided to continue exploring the city, for the rest of the day. After the day had come to an end I chose to meditate under a tree for some time. I enter my normal meditation position and begin.

When the sun rises I continue my journey through the city. I decided to revisit the place where I was teleported in from. On my way there I come across a building that seems to be a place of learning, a school, if you will. Though it is very rectangular, just like many other things in this city.

Soon after I passed by the school a space quake alarm sounded. The words seem to indicate that it is occurring nearby, maybe I can see her again. It is worth a shot. I can also see what happens in a space quake, as I was not there when the previous one occurred.

After a couple of seconds, like last time, a large explosion occurs and takes a large chunk out of the building. Outside of the building is the boy from earlier. An interesting coincidence? Or a planned-out move? Who can tell? I should be more wary of him until I find out his intentions, it can't be a coincidence that he appears at the same time as a space quake.

He seems to be talking, but there is no one around. interesting...

Inside the building, I see her, my ally. She is looking out over the crater that she indirectly created. I waited for the boy to enter the building, making sure not to be seen, I tailed him. While he was walking up the stairs, he stopped and said something about this not being a game.

Once he continued up the stairs I followed him until he turned into one of the rooms of the building, a classroom by the looks of it, Inside, she was waiting.

"What's your name?" She asks coldly.

"And why are you following me?"

I would like to know that as well.

"Because-" he stopped abruptly. Be seems to be listening to something, he might be getting instructions on how to deceive her, If that's the case I shouldn't allow this to go on any longer. I got ready to attack, but just before I could he responded.

"Before asking for someone's name... YOU SHOULD REALLY GIVE YOUR OWN FIRST!"

On second thought... I don't really think that he's gonna manipulate anyone with that attitude. Although it is quite amusing.

She reacted how I expected, creating a large explosion, not enough to hurt him, mind you.

"If you do not answer, I can only assume you are my enemy."

"My name is Shido Itsuka, I'm a student at this school, I've got no reason to fight you!"

Ah, so this is a school.

"So why are you here? Are you here to kill me? Like the Mecha-Mecha squad?"

"What? No! I could never kill anyone!"

"If that's the case, then why are you here?"

Shido stops and he seems to be getting instructions. This is a good time to step in, "Answer her question. Do it genuinely or I will cut you down."

"AH! Who's there!?" he exclaimed.

I step out from my hiding spot, "I guess it's only right I introduce myself. I am the God of Eternity, Raiden Ei. Now answer her question."

"You're a God!?" they say in unison.

"Yes. Now answer! No shenanigans."

"I came here to talk to you!" he blurted out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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