Where am I?

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This is odd. Where am I? Did Miko do something? No, she wouldn't go this far...

Before me is not the landscape of Inazuma, but rolling hills, and tall glass structures. This is certainly not the plain of Euthymia. What happened?

I should look back on what happened before I was transported here. I was meditating in the Plane of Euthymia when I felt something. I opened my eyes, and I was here. Hmmm, not much to go on. This may be a dead end, but nevertheless, I must push forward and find out what happened. First, I need to find out where I am. The best way to do this is to ask a local or find a sign.

I walk into what I assume to be a major city, maybe even the capital, judging by the number of people. The name is Tengu City. How convenient that the sign this information was on to be in Inizuman writing.

While walking around the city I kept getting odd looks from people in odd clothing. I attempted to contact the Raiden Shogun with no luck. It seems that my soul has been transported outside of the Raiden Shogun, meaning I no longer have any connection to Inizuma. It makes me sad, but in this state of crisis, I can not afford to get sentimental. 

Suddenly, a noise cuts through the air, oscillating up and down in frequency. Is this some sort of alarm? A woman's voice suddenly sounds out, "Your attention, please. This is not a drill. There have been signs of a space quake. Please evacuate to the nearest shelter. I repeat..."

It sounds like some sort of emergency, but people don't seem too upset; this must be normal. I am more interested in what exactly this 'space quake' entails.

People evacuate into buildings after some time, and a large explosion happens in the middle of the city. As soon as I saw it, I made my way to the epicenter of the explosion, where a girl was. She was in a purple and pink dress covered in armor. Right next to her is a pedestal with the hilt of a sword sticking out of it. I also noticed a boy nearby who didn't evacuate. He doesn't seem to be armed. I'll keep an eye on him for now.

"Hey! You there! Do you know what's going on?" I asked the girl in the crater, curious about what might be happening. This sort of thing never happened in Teyvat.

She takes the sword out of her pedestal and turns to look at me, ready to fight. "Huh? Why would I know?" She asks. Ah! She must be as clueless as me. In that case, we should work together to figure out what's going on.

"I see. So you don't know what's going on here either," I say, masking my disappointment behind a carefully constructed mask.

"Wait. 'Either?' So you don't know what's going on?" she asked, slightly dropping her guard.

"Yes, it appears I have been teleported from my place of meditation to here. Seeing as you clearly hold more power here than others, I thought you may have answers for me. That's how it goes from where I'm from anyway." I explain.

"I thought you were here to kill me. And to be honest... I don't know why I'm here either..."

"Hmmm, I propose we form an alliance to discover the reason why we were brought here," I say, holding out a hand. She eventually took my hand in acceptance.

Just then, 5 girls wearing revealing outfits flew in and fired projectiles at us, mainly my new ally. She blocked them by manifesting a purple energy shield. Oddly enough, the energy shield doesn't seem to correspond to any of the elements of Teyvat. Maybe I'm no longer in Tayvat but, instead, another world.

As her new ally, it is my duty to defend her. I manifest my polearm and prepare to fight. The boy I was keeping an eye on seemed too stunned to move; he was likely ignorant of events up until a few seconds ago.

I appear behind one of the girls and knock them out to get information out of them later. I don't want to kill them as it could lead to some issues in the future. The others, seeing this, prepare to retaliate. They split up into two groups, two for each of us. 

I knocked them out the same way I did the rest. While my new ally seems to be playing with their food, either that or they are reluctant to hurt people. The only one left is a white-haired girl who seems to know the boy who was watching.

"Stop! You are outnumbered!" I say even though the number doesn't matter in this situation.

She stops for a moment, then glares at me like I killed her parents.

"Never..." she says through gritted teeth.

The boy pipes up, "Hey... Hay! What's going on?"

"These ladies attacked us, and we are acting in self-defense," I say simply.

The girl scoffs and says, "We attacked you!? We're not the ones who destroyed the city! We aren't the ones killing innocent people!"

"I haven't killed anyone yet. How about you?" I ask my ally. She shakes her head.

"See? Your accusations are baseless. Furthermore, it seems that the explosions are just a byproduct of whatever is bringing us here. Though notably, I didn't have any such explosion."

Suddenly, my ally disappeared in a flash of light. Interesting. May we meet again? While they were distracted, I decided to make my leave as I no longer had any need to fight. I was just defending my ally, after all.

(A/N, after coming back to this after so long, I realized that I was seriously lacking in the descriptions department. I mean, look at the remastered Ch:2 of my Tensura fanfic, the fight between Ariel and Millim, and the "oh, and I knocked them out" of this fanfic. Besides the obvious lack of mountain throwing, this fanfic lacks power in the attacks. Well, this was my second fanfic, so that was to be expected. I saw it; I'ma increase detail. and turn this not even 1k words into a 2.5k masterpiece!)

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