"They immediately took me to Gringotts and got an inheritance test and diagnostic test. Neither of which were good."

"Here you are Lord Addams, the inheritance test and diagnostic test." The Addams account Manager, Erkas, said.

Inheritance Test:

Birth Name:
Hadrian Gomez Addams

Adopted Name:
Harry James Potter

Birth Mother:
Morticia Artemis Addams née Frump

Adopted Mother:
Lily Marie Potter née Evans

Birth Father:
Gomez Florencia Addams

Adopted Father:
James Fleamont Potter

Birth Maternal Grandparents:
Griselda Frump née Malina
Wilson Frump

Adopted Maternal Grandparents:
Rosalie Evans née Cullen
Joseph Evans

Birth Paternal Grandparents:
Eudora Addams née Waldo
Percival Addams

Adopted Paternal Grandparents:
Euphemia Potter née Longbottom
Fleamont Potter

Birth Aunt(s):
Ophelia Frump

Adopted Aunt(s):
Petunia Dursley née Evans

Birth Uncle(s):
Pancho Addams
Fester Addams
Cosimo Addams

Adopted Uncle(s):
Vernon Dursley

Birth Cousin(s):

Adopted Cousin(s):
Dudley Dursley

Birth Godfather(s):
Severus Snape
Marvolo Addams
Sirius Black

Adopted Godfather(s):
Sirius Black

Birth Godmother(s):
Narcissa Malfoy née Black
Bellatrix Lestrange née Black
Alecto Carrow

Adopted Godmother(s):
Alice Longbottom née Fawley

Birth Godsibling(s):
Draco Malfoy

Adopted Godsibling(s):
Neville Longbottom

Heir To:
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Addams
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Slytherin
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Ravenclaw
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Hufflepuff
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Pendragon
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Emrys
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Le Fay
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Peverell
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Mortem
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Vita
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Magia
The Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Tempus
The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black
The Noble and Ancient House of Potter

Diagnostic Test:

Age 1: Illegal Blood Adoption, Bruising, Rash, Scarring due to Avada Kedavra and Horcrux

Age 2: Bruising, Malnutrition, Rash, Sickness

Age 3: Bruising, Malnutrition, Rash, Sickness

Age 4: Bruising, Malnutrition, Rash, Sickness, Lacerations

Age 5: Bruising, Malnutrition, Rash, Sickness, Lacerations

"My Mother and Father could barely forgive themselves. Even though none of it was their fault." He glares. "I was kidnapped, as you well know, and given to the Potters. They did not know who I was which made my Parents happy since my Father was a Marauder and My Mother was close friends with Miss Lily. Sorry. Aunt Lily." He smiled at the questioning look. "As the Heir to the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Mortem I have the ability to see and interact with the Dead who are beyond our realm. It's useful and nice until a relative is done with your sh-stuff."

Marvolo couldn't help but smile. He remembered when his cousin, Gomez, had went to him as livid as can be with the news that his one year old son and Heir, was missing. At the time he was already slipping and did not, and could not, find it within himself to care. Yet, now he found himself feeling guilty of all this. Knowing it was his connection that caused Dumbledore to go after his Cousin in such a way. It hurt. It truly hurt him.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore did not understand what had happened. Years. Decades of planning down the damn drain. All because the damn Addams family taking a fucking walk in Surrey because it was so dead and dreary that day. Now he did not have his weapon. Remus Lupin was not answering his letters. Sirius Black was currently being investigated which will lead to investigations of all the Death Eaters which will have truths uncovered that did not need to be uncovered.

"Your plans are failing."

Albus glared at the portrait of Phineas Nigellus Black before sneering at the portrait of his predecessor Armando Dippet who laughed. The old man in the portrait dared to laugh at him! The greatest wizard since Merlin!

"Phineas has a point. The young boy knows his family. Knows his truth. You have also lost her support, although that was long ago."

"Who is she?!" Albus bellowed. They told him this for years! Every first of September since Tom Riddle's second year. He needed to know who SHE was and obviously if she was important to his plans.

Far away and deep in the hidden halls of Hogwarts was a large portrait which held four adults, and several ethereal figures.

The first in the portrait was a red-haired man whose beard was not long in length. His robes were reds and golds and in masculine late 10th century in style. His bright green eyes were slightly dimmed with anger. He held his sword in hands while his wand was currently in its holster on his right arm. This was the wizard known as Godric Gryffindor

The next was a woman with dark brown hair that went passed her shoulders. Her robes were feminine late 10th century style in yellows and blacks. Her blue eyes blazed with anger as she itched to hold her wand. This was the witch known as Helga Hufflepuff.

The next to her was a woman with long wavy black hair that went well down her back. Her robes were feminine late 10th century style in blues and bronze colors. Her brown eyes were currently closed as she attempted to calm herself to not storm out of the portrait and into a portrait in the Headmasters office. This was the witch known as Rowena Ravenclaw.

The last person in the portrait was a tall man with long black hair as well as a long black beard. His robes were greens and silvers in masculine late 10th century style. His grey eyes glared harshly as his wand was in hand. This was the wizard known as Salazar Slytherin.

The ethereal figures were Lord Death, Lady Life, Mother Magic, Father Time, and Ignotus Peverell. They stood solemnly as they talked with the four founders in hushed tones. More so trying to keep them from storming the portraits within the Headmasters office.

"Please, be patient."

The figures in the room looked in the middle to see a small child with shoulder-length brown hair, light brown eyes, and dressed in deep purple robes. Her soft, sad smile turned to the Founders portrait.

"I am Hogwarts. Over the years the magic of these halls have helped me become sentient to a point. We, that being Allister, Jaya, Willa, the soldiers, and I; are doing what we can. Thankfully the young Heir does have his family with him."

The relief in everyone in the room was immense.

(A/N: Latin: English. Mortem: Death. Vita: Life. Magia: Magic. Tempus: Time.)

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