| 08 - Begging |

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Each morning I've shown up with a new flavor of donut and coffee. If she isn't going to come back to my playground, I'm just going to have to be at hers. They were supposed to be my peace offering, a little pick me up for dealing with me every single day. I figure if I'm going to bug the girl, I might as well bring her food. Girls love food. Right?

Wrong, she must live off of air because every day my gift ended up in the trash.

I even ended up asking Grace, which I learned is her name after she asked me a million questions about why I keep bringing her best friend things, to tell me Brinna's favorite coffee order.

You should have seen the look on her face when I managed to track down an Iced Sugar Cookie Latte in fucking May. I'm practically a magician at this point. I even got Grace a thank-you present for aiding me in my plan, she doesn't have a favorite coffee as long as the creamer is whiskey.

That was the first coffee to not end up in the trash. Brinna's, I mean. She drank the entire thing before I was even done with Jillian's daily grope session. I'm a strong soldier, don't ask me why I'm letting lizard-bitch touch my abs just to be closer to a girl that I'm not even trying to sleep with. I don't beg for women.

This is not me begging.

I'm just trying to figure out the woman who keeps being the life of the party and then cries about it afterward. She's complex and I don't even have to know more than her name and favorite coffee to see that she's battling no one but herself in that pretty little head of hers.

But I have nothing better to do while I await my fate, so I guess I'm going to keep doing this for a while. Sometimes in life, you have to take opportunities before they slip through your fingers. I won't get a second chance if I stop now, and luckily I'm one determined son of a bitch.

I pull my pants up to my hips and zip them shut. Jillian is crouched down under her desk while I'm sitting in her chair. She wipes her smeared lipstick as I buckle my belt and stand up.

I said I never turn down a blow job and I meant it. Sue me.

She isn't even off the floor yet before I reach the door, fluffing my hair and pushing it back off of my face. "But wait, don't you want to-" She jumps up and motions toward the desk.

Her face is flushed and damp, mascara now slightly smeared from her previous gag tears. It's crazy how much power you can have over someone as influential as her. Being lonely will do that though, she melts under any positivity I give her.

"Not today, Jilly. I've got important business to attend to," I say, abruptly whipping the door open and shutting it behind me before she can say another word. She's too blindsided by my cock to realize she's just my first stop before I get to the reason why I'm really here.

So what if I'm using her? She fucking deserves it for talking the way she does to Brinna. She doesn't even know the girl's name yet she tasks her with all of the most important things in her life. Don't even get me started on the daughter situation either, I've been in her office when she gets a new message and it's absolutely vile the way she speaks about Charlotte.

She clearly doesn't give a fuck about anyone else but herself, why should I care about her feelings? Someone's gotta knock her ego down a few notches.

I adjust the collar of my black dress shirt, peeking around it to make sure I don't have any lipstick on me. I can feel eyes on me all around the room which makes me smirk. I know that office isn't soundproof.

I straighten up, not caring to acknowledge any of the workers scattered around trying to focus on photoshoots and articles. My eyes are focused straight in front of me on Brinna's desk. She's been trying her hardest to avoid me all week despite my constant attempts at talking to her.

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