You can't take her

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This is based on a comment I made on an artwork for Day 6: Hanahaki AU of VUzi week

A tall female murder drone with shining silver hair and stilts like legs was walking down a dark collider walls seemingly made out of concrete with icicles dripping down the ceiling, the lily coloured drone seem to be following a trail of dart pink petals, coated in some black oil.

The trail leads to a big metal doorway, as the drone looked in, she hears a coughing, startled the drone, she quickly looks where the noise came from, and sees a smaller female drone, with purple hair, and a beanie on its head, in a panic the taller one runs to the smaller one, shouting "UZI!" like her life depending on it, the drone known as Uzi seems to not notice.

The lily coloured drone lifts Uzi's head, her motor rumbles faster and faster, seeing the smaller one's face freaks the taller one, oil coming from her broken screen like tears, and to make things worse, the words "factory error" flashes from Uzi's right side of her broken screen, where the other side had those pick petals braking out, and more petals were escaping her mouth.

At the site of the purple drone puts the taller one in a panic, her eyes going hollow, and gains a murderous grin, as she snaps shouting "no, no, no, you're not taking my Uzi!"

Drone's tail lifts as she palls the pink petals out of the grape coloured drone's mouth, with more coughing, the taller drone slows down

"N-N is that you?"

The lily like drone snaps out of it, as her eyes soften and letting her tail fall, seemingly sad and afraid, "w-why does it have to be him you want" the drone hating her self for thinking that, at this time, she putts her hand on Uzi's shoulder hoping she will think it'shim.

The smaller one coughs into a laugh, "I-I couldn't do it"

"w-what couldn't she do" the lily drone thinks, not wanting the smaller one knowing it's her

with a fake grin, "I know she doesn't feel the same way"

"w-who"the taller one unknowing says with a jealous hiss

not hearing the lily one with her damaged mics "V will never love me"the drone known as V freezes as her eyes widen, "how could she love a tiny useless drone like"

"YOU'RE WRONG" V shouts before the smaller could even think of finish

not being able to hear right, she can't tell that this drone is the drone she has fallen for, coughing some more, "com on N" but before Uzi could finish, she feels a pair of soft pair of metal lips kiss her, the pink petals start bursting out the broken side of her screen like water shooting out a hose

Uzi pushes the drone she believes to be N back angrily for kissing her like that, but when the petals leave her screen and she can see, she sees the drone that she loves staring back, with a happy yet worried eyes staring back, the grape coloured starting panting, panicky thinking "sh-she knows, oh robo god she knows, an-and she said I'm wrong, and sh-she even kissed me" even with half a screen, V can easily see that the smaller one, blushing like grape, with a giggle the taller one picks Uzi up like a princess and begins walking outwith the smaller one trying to process all this.

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