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A/N: This is what would've happened if they actually broke up after Sloane's father forced them to. Her father believes that he will only be a distraction, and their relationship had caused her to be complacent about her grades. Zuo Hang turned into someone people didn't expect him to be: a gang leader, a bad boy.

I reuploaded this from my FB account ^^


My hand turned into fist as I gazed at the bottles of alcohol just behind the school. Most of them have ran out. There were even sticks of cigarettes scattered around as well. The longer I stared at them, the more specific the name registered in my mind. Ofcourse, there's only one person here in this school who's bold enough to have some drink at school during the night.

I grabbed one of the bottles and headed inside the school. Everyone gasped as they saw what I'm holding. That's right, stare. Do such moronic move as his and they'll find me breaking this bottle on top of their heads.

I continued to walk furiously as I headed to the lion's den. There's only one part of the school where delinquents like him love to kill their time. The school basement.

I haven't reached their little abode yet when I found them walking to towards the same hallway I'm in as well. A group of boys occupied much of the space that other students cannot even pass by. The group was lead by none other than the red haired boy, Zuo Hang.

His eyes widened in amusement the moment we crossed each other's gazes. He smiled, making the lollipop bulge on his cheek and make him look cuter.

That's it. He wants to look cute! That's literally his weapon to everyone who opposes him. I'm not even surprised if he did that to tame his gang right now. Lucky me and unlucky him, superficial stuffs never take a toll on me.

"Greetings!" I faked a cheerful smile in respond to his.

Zuo Hang halted on his steps and same goes with the other boys. He didn't say anything, and simply looked at me like he's waiting for my next words.

But I think he already knows what I'm about to say. I raised the bottle of alcohol I was holding. "I suppose you had a good evening last night?"

He took his lollipop from his mouth. "Hmm, I guess I did. I completed my eight hour sleep."

Was that a denial? I scoffed. "Sleep where? Behind the school or along the streets?"

"In my comfy bed, ofcourse."

"Bed huh? With girls?"

"You can join if you want to. There's always the next night." He sounded playful and sarcastic at the same time.

I could feel my cheeks heating up because of anger and he chuckled upon seeing that. If only I wasn't inside the school premises, I could've cursed him to death, or even worser than that. I swear, he never fails to ruin my day!

Not able to hold my anger, I dropped the bottle to the ground and they shattered into pieces.

"Clean that up." I ordered. The students around us gasped, but I don't care anymore. This isn't the first time these delinquents messed with me.

One time, they sprayed some stupid stuffs on the school's walls, and even putted their names on it. Next, there were also news that the faculty room was opened and gadgets and moneys were stolen. It was revealed that it was them. I couldn't contain it anymore, and I had enough trying to communicate with their gang leader.

"I said clean those up." I repeated when Zuo Hang just looked at the broken glass pieces, then back to me.

My peripheral vision showed some students attempting to hand them some cleaning materials and I immediately gave them a glare.

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