" I feel you I just had a baby a month ago" She said. " No way your snap back game is incredible" I said. 

As her stomach didn't have any marks or bruises. " Well I just have a few questions to ask and then you and your baby can go take a seat" She said. 

" Okay cool" I said. Malayah came by me and handed my my teal crocs. " Give me a minute" I said and changed out of the shoes and handed it to her. 

She put them in her bag and waited near by. " So number one who are you most excited to see preform" She said. 

" I want to see Ms. Chloe bailey have mercy is a good song" I said. 

" That's a good choice who do you want to win" She said. " Um I don't have anyone to be honest" I said. 

" Well thanks for answering" She said. 

I walked towards Malayah and we head to my seats. 

2 hours later 

It was now my time to go up. " WALK OUT IN 3 2 1" the curtain man said. 

I walked out to the podium. " Good evening ladies and gentlemen" I said. " Good evening" The audience said. 

" I am here to present an award that is such an honor to me" I said.

 " I will be presenting the best male RnB artist for this year" I said showing them the card. 

" Everyone knows I am experienced in this department so who else would present this" I said. 

The audience burst out in laughter. " I dated short and tall singers but let me say one thing there is something different with each" I said. 

" WHO IS YOUR BABY DADDY" Someone from the audience shouted. 

" Well thank you for bringing that up. Yes I am 6 months pregnant and I know yall want to figure it out but that's going to have to wait for later" I said. 

" And the winner for the best male rnb artist for this year is wait a minute this correct" I said looking back in the curtain. 

" YES" Someone shouted. " Okay a dear and beloved child hood Best friend on mine BRENT FAYIAZ" I said. 

The audience started clapping and Chris walked up to the stage. I handed him the award and stepped back. 

" Thank you all for this award I would like to thank my family for being my rock, my close friends for keeping me in check and focus, and lastly but not least I want to thank this pretty lady behind me Baby come here" He said holding out his hand. 

I came up and he wrapped his hand around my waist. The audience gasp. " I want to say thank you to My wife and the mother of our future child Sierra she has been there for it all and that's why she still here by my side. I love you baby and I can't wait to be a father" He said and kissed me. 

We walked back stage and we heard the audience clapping. That was the end of the show. 

Everyone got transferred into the after party room. 

Chris was smiling from ear to ear. I was to I am so happy that the secret is out. People were coming up to us and saying congratulations and every thing. 

They had a dessert table and I grabbed my a strawberry donut. I was walking back to my seat when someone called my name. 

" Sierra" I turned around and saw Tory. " NO STAY BACK" I shouted dropping my donut. 

" I am sorry" He said picking my donut up of the ground. " LEAVE ME ALONE" I screamed even louder drawing attention to me. 

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