Forest of No Return

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When they were fighting off the Drexis, Lance was about to get eaten by one of them.

Lance: Um-GUYS!HELP!

Then a blast of fire came at the Drexis, and a purple scaley blur saved Rapunzel, Cassandra, Shorty, Eugene, Hook Foot, and  Adira. 

Rapunzel: Thanks!

??: Your welcome!

The purple scales also saved Pascal from falling into the Drexis' mouth.

??: You're welcome little guy. I believe this chameleon belongs to you, blondie.

Eugene: Hey that's my nickname!

??: Isn't that the most obvious nickname for a blonde girl?

Eugene: Is no— oh....I see your point.

Adira: Hey scales! Over here!

The scales turned out to be a dragon, who flew towards Adira and fire blasted the Drexis.

Cassandra: Um, I have so many questions right now.

??: I'll answer 'em all when we get out of here. That hole over there, that's where I came from!

They all jumped through the hole, and blocked the Drexis' way through. Then they were out of the Forest of No Return. Then Rapunzel walked towards the dragon.

Rapunzel: Thanks for saving us, and Pascal.

??: You're welcome.

Pascal jumped from Rapunzel's shoulder to the dragon's, and nuzzled the dragon's cheek and then jumped onto Rapunzel's shoulder.

Rapunzel: I think Pascal likes you.

??: Yeah that chameleon of yours sure does like me.

Rapunzel: Oh and by the way, my names Rapunzel, this is Eugene, Cassandra, Shorty, Hook Foot, and Max (those are all the characters I know)

??: Spyro.

Rapunzel: Okay then Spyro, you want to come with us? We're following those Black Rocks.

Spyro: Wow! I've actually been following them too.

Rapunzel: Wanna follow them with us?

Spyro: Sure.

Overtime Spyro proved he could be a good friend. Adira calls him 'Red Eyes', which for revenge he calls her Two-Tone.

Until one day when it Spyro's attitude drastically changed 

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