"PAULINA" I shriek and i run across the street to Bennys house snd tackle his cousin with a hug

"NENA" she shrieked back hugging me just as tight as Benny rolled his eyes. He and Paulina didnt get along for some reason, but I got along with her well

"Cmon Benito whatd she do this time" I asked him since according to him she always does something to him while she visits.

I call it youngest child syndrome sinces shes younger than us by two years, when shes visiting Benny isnt the baby of his family anymore.

"She brought her little amiguita que es bien enfadosa! She wont leave me alone" he said in a whiny voice

"That's actually not my fault i don't hang out with that fake ass bitch anymore but since her parents were out of town we had to bring her" she says annoyed, and as if on cue a girl walked out of the house

"HEY BESTIE" she says running to hug Paulina who was disgusted at how fake she was.

"Benny I was wondering if you could show me around town" she said moving closer to him which caused him to move closer to me.

"Yea i would love to but I...have to...help Nena..." he looked at me for help when i got an idea

"He needs to help me build my new desk" i said and he nods eagerly

"Well i dont want to get lost" she says pouting

"Its important though soo. Without a desk she cant do homework and if ahw doesnt do her homework she'll fail school and if- "

"I'll show her around" Paulina interrupts benny and signs in defeat

"But- ugh fine" she says and starts walking away when Paulina glances at Benny with a "you owe me" look.

When they were far enough Benny let a sigh of relief

"Ok shes gone now. So what should we do?"

"Build my new desk! It wasn't an excuse i actually need to build it. my dads gonna be away all weekend and Toño cant build shit" i say taking his hand and dragging him to my house

We walk up to my room and started unboxing the desk pieces

I got the instructions out and start freaking out


"Relax it's probably in like 5 languages" he says unpacking everything


"WHAT" he shrieks

"Better get to work i guess" i say whining
"WERE DONE" I exclaim as the desk was finally built

"GRACIAS A DIOS" Benny says as we both plop down on my bed

"Im hungry. Lets go to the diner?" Benny asks me

"Yessss" i say and we stand up

When we got to the diner We saw that Yeah-Yeah Paulina Squints and Pau's friend (Lizzet)sitting at a booth.

Squints and Lizzet looked like they were just done fighting, but Yeah yeah and Paulina seemed to be getting along well. REEEEAAALLY well.

"Why are Yeah-Yeah and Paulina laughing so much" Benny said squinting at the kids

"No way the overprotective side of Benitos coming out" i say laughing, but when he tried to go over to them i held him back.

"No Benny let them be. Their kinda cute together" i say smiling at the two


"No buts come on I need food" I say walking to the opposite side of the diner, but he pulls my arm to a booth near Paulinas

"HEY GUYS" squints said making the rest of them turn to look at us

"Hey lentitos" I say to squints as Lizzet glares at the fact that Benny was still holding my hand

"You guys having fun?" Benny asks while glaring at Yeah-Yeah

"Leave the kid alone Benjamin. lets go get our food before i start getting hangry"

We sit in a booth near Yeah-Yeahs and order our food. Thankfully it got there quickly

"I dont know why you dont get along with Pau. She covered for you when you couldn't get away from her crazy little friend, and now your protecting her as if she were your little sister." I say taking a fry from Bennys plate

"I dont know. I guess its cus shes like my little sister. Plus now shes moving here so-."

"HEY GUYS" we heard Lizzet say sliding into the booth next to Benny, who looked like he was about to rip his hair out as soon as he heard her voice

Paulina sat next to me, Yeah-Yeah next to her and Squints just stood

"I would rather chew tobacco and go on all the rides in the fair then sit next to her again" he said with a straight face while we tried not to laugh

"Well i dont want to sit with YOU either. I wanna sit with Benny" she said clinging onto his arm

"OH HEY YOU KNOW WHAT? NENA AND I PROMISED TO TEACH UHHH" he started looking at me for help

"Teach Squints how to dance" I say and turn to see Squints pleading face to help him escape. "He's trying to impress Wendy"

"Yea so we should get going" Benny said as we all stood up

"I dont know how to dance" Lizzet says smiling up at Benny

"Yea well you have less of a chance of getting asked to dance so back off these are my lessons" Squints says glaring at her

"Listen four eyes you better shut your little mouth"

"MAKE ME" Squints said stepping closer to the girl.

"This is our cue to leave." I tell Benny

"Aww it was getting good" he says as i roll my eyes

"Lets go Squints" i say pulling his arm when i glance at Paulina and Yeah Yeah, who were eating our fries and laughing with each other

I could tell Benny was about to break it up so i grabbed his arm too and walked away with both boys

"Bye Pau bye Alan" I say smirking at the 13 year olds

They're such a cute couple

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