The truth hit Mana like a lightning bolt, and her gaze sharpened with a glint of anger. She knew that it was Evangeline who had caused this peculiar transformation, and the reason for Seiko's abrupt exit suddenly seemed crystal clear.

Evangeline, apprehension etched across her features, made a futile attempt to escape, but the handcuffs that bound her to Mana held firm. The nurse, seemingly unperturbed by the chaos that had ensued, chuckled heartily.

"So, despite that slight burn, I see you're doing well and recovering faster than I thought," the nurse remarked with a sly smile, her laughter punctuating her words. "I'll leave you two to sort things out once you're done. Back to class, it is!"

With that, the nurse took her leave, leaving the infirmary behind in a wake of mirthful amusement. Mana's ire remained, simmering like a storm on the horizon, while Evangeline was left to contemplate her fate, still tethered to the source of her current predicament.

"Wait, Mana, it's not what you think, it was an accident," Evangeline's words tumbled out in a frightened rush, her voice quivering with anxiety.

Mana's response was swift and decisive, a frosty retort that left no room for discussion. "You know what, Evangeline? I don't even want to hear what you have to say," she stated, her tone laced with anger and disappointment.

Within the infirmary, the atmosphere had grown increasingly tense. Muffled screams and raised voices emanated from within, creating an aura of unease that deterred onlookers from venturing inside. The turmoil in that small room remained a mystery to those who dared not approach.

Twenty long minutes passed, a span of time marked by the muffled sounds of confrontation and, curiously, a bathroom break. When the two girls finally emerged, they bore the marks of their conflict. Mana, once consumed by anger, had returned to her usual self. In contrast, Evangeline now carried three painful lumps on her head, physical proof of the altercation that had transpired in the infirmary. The hallway bore witness to their return to class, a silent testament to the turbulent events that had unfolded behind closed doors.

The school day unfolded with a surprising calmness, the lessons proceeding without incident. In the aftermath of her confrontation with Mana, Seiko had also returned, bearing the marks of his own encounter with their fiery friend. This development brought a secret satisfaction to Evangeline.

"At last, lessons are over," Evangeline declared with a yawn, the monotony of the day having taken its toll. Seiko, perched atop her head, mirrored her yawn with an exaggerated one of his own.

"Yes, we can finally go and eat," Seiko chimed in, a wide grin stretching across his face.

Their brief respite, however, was interrupted by the unyielding call of responsibility. Mana, always diligent in her role as a member of the Council of Twelve, interjected with a reminder of her ongoing duties.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your fun," Mana began, her voice carrying a hint of both sternness and duty, "but I still have my responsibilities to fulfill."

With that, Mana led Evangeline to another room within the school premises. The room held an imposing desk, emblazoned with Mana's name, and a group of students who appeared to be waiting for her, clutching sheets of paper in their hands.

"You're here at last, Mana. We've been waiting for you," one of the students greeted her, a tone of relief evident in their voice.

Mana swiftly settled into her seat beside the imposing desk, while Evangeline, her posture marked by a hint of discomfort, lingered nearby. The students, sensing the urgency of their task, formed a brisk line, each one stepping forward to present their papers to Mana.

Evangeline, unable to ignore her discomfort any longer, spoke up. "Can I at least have a chair? It's not very comfortable to stand," she grumbled, her voice laced with irritation.

Mana's response was unyielding, her eyes fixed on Evangeline with a stern resolve. "No, don't bother. You won't be getting another chair," she declared, her tone laced with a hint of reprimand. "Consider it your punishment for your earlier actions."

Silenced by Mana's authoritative words, Evangeline held her tongue, her frustration simmering beneath the surface. Seiko, on the other hand, couldn't help but find amusement in Evangeline's predicament, his laughter ringing through the room.

"Keep laughing, Seiko, and we'll see who feeds you next time," Evangeline warned, her tone carrying a thinly veiled threat.

One by one, the students handed their sheets to Mana and departed, leaving her to tackle the daunting task ahead. As the last student exited, Evangeline couldn't help but express her concern.

"Wait, you have to do all of this on your own, Mana," she remarked, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Mana, however, remained unfazed by the workload, her gaze focused on the papers before her. "Yes, I'm accustomed to handling it alone every time. It's not a problem," she replied with quiet determination.

Just as they settled into the rhythm of their duties, the office door swung open once more, revealing a new presence. This time, it was the teachers who entered, their arrival signaling the next chapter in the unfolding drama.

"I hope we're not disturbing you, Mana; we need your assistance with something," a teacher ventured, their tone respectful yet purposeful.

In a practiced manner reminiscent of the students before them, the teacher drew near and presented a stack of papers to Mana, then departed as swiftly as they had arrived. Evangeline couldn't help but marvel at the equality that governed even the teachers' interactions, their posture mirroring that of their pupils.

"Do you ever feel a bit exploited, Mana?" Evangeline asked, her voice still tinged with amazement.

Seiko, equally taken aback, chimed in, echoing Evangeline's sentiments. "Evangeline's got a point, you know. Why are they piling all this work on you alone? Are you at least compensated for it?" he inquired, genuine concern evident in his tone.

Mana, however, appeared unfazed by the inquiry. "No, don't worry about it. I don't consider it exploitation. It's part of my responsibility," she replied calmly.

Evangeline persisted, her conviction unwavering. "No, Mana, you are being exploited. You're far too kind to these people," she asserted, receiving a nod of agreement from Seiko.

"Let me help you, just this once," Evangeline offered, her tone more determined now. "But don't think for a second that this makes us friends. And I want a chair," she added, her terms made clear.

Mana, seeming both surprised and intrigued by Evangeline's offer, cautiously weighed her response. "Are you certain you can handle it, Evangeline? Some of these documents might be too advanced for you," she cautioned, her doubts evident.

"Don't underestimate me, Mana. I'm far more capable than you give me credit for," Evangeline retorted, seizing one of the documents and setting to work with determination.

In the hushed room, the only sounds were the rustle of paper and the scratch of pens on sheets. Evangeline, still standing, had embarked on her unexpected journey of assistance.

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