"Evangeline, you're awake already. Let's have breakfast together," Mana said, her voice filled with warmth as she wrapped her arms around Evangeline in a tender embrace.

"Yes, let's," Evangeline responded, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Why do you cry? I much prefer to see you smile," Mana gently wiped away Evangeline's tears before leaning in for a soft kiss on her cheek. Holding hands, they made their way to the table, adorned with a delightful breakfast spread prepared by Mana.

"This looks incredible! Did you make all of this?" Evangeline exclaimed, her excitement shining through as they sat down to eat.

"Of course, it's all for you, Evangeline. Only the best," Mana replied, her own smile radiant.

Evangeline couldn't help but smile in return, relishing in the moment. However, the serene atmosphere suddenly shifted, and the darkness once again consumed them, pulling them apart.

"Not again... for once, it wasn't a nightmare," Evangeline lamented, her voice filled with resignation.

Mana's voice resonated from within the darkness, a comforting presence. "Don't worry, Evangeline. I'm here for you."

Evangeline turned, her eyes meeting Mana's once more, their gazes locking in an unspoken understanding. "I thought you had vanished, Mana. What are you doing here?"

Without words, Mana stepped closer, her lips meeting Evangeline's in a kiss. Surprised, Evangeline instinctively pushed her away, her face flushing with embarrassment.

"What's the matter, Evangeline? Why are you rejecting me? I thought you loved me," Mana's voice carried a hint of sadness.

"Leave me be! You're not Mana," Evangeline shouted, her voice laced with confusion and frustration.

Mana laughed, her tone turning sinister. She locked eyes with Evangeline, a malevolent smile curving her lips. "You're right, Evangeline. I am Mana, the girl you love. Remember, I died because of you. You, the once hailed as the strongest mage in the world, couldn't even protect me from the demons. Now, it's my turn to end you."

Evangeline's eyes widened in disbelief, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. "That's not true! Mana would never say such things."

"What??" Evangeline exclaimed, her voice filled with shock and disbelief as she felt an excruciating pain pierce her heart. Blood began to flow, staining her clothes, and she clutched her chest in agony.

"Now die, Evangeline. I never want to see you again," a cold voice echoed in her ears.

In an instant, Evangeline's eyes snapped open, her body drenched in cold sweat. She frantically looked around, finding herself back in her room. Trembling, she reached for her chest, expecting to feel a wound, but to her relief, there was nothing there.

"Thank God, it was just a dream," she whispered, her voice still trembling with the remnants of fear.

"Evangeline, you had another nightmare. Are you okay?" Seiko asked, his voice laced with concern.

Evangeline took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "Yes, everything is fine. It was just a little nightmare, nothing at all."

"Don't lie to me, Evangeline. Remember, I can feel your emotions. If you're having more and more nightmares, I think we should talk to your parents," Seiko insisted, his eyes filled with genuine worry.

Evangeline sighed, realizing she couldn't keep everything to herself. "You're right, Seiko. I promise that if it doesn't get better, we'll go see my parents."

"Okay, but remember, you can trust me. Don't carry all these negative things alone," Seiko reassured her, his presence providing a sense of comfort.

"You really are the best, Seiko," Evangeline said, her hand gently patting his head.

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