"I see that you now comprehend the gravity of your situation, child, and you appear ready to meet your demise within the next few minutes," he sneered, casting a sinister gaze upon the students.

Beside Evangeline, Megumi trembled with fear. Evangeline placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder, instantly offering solace.

"Don't worry, Megumi. I'm certain everything will turn out fine. And remember, I'm here with you," Evangeline reassured her companion confidently.

A voice rang out from the crowd, breaking the tense silence. "We won't surrender without a fight! Let's go, everyone. If we stand united, we can defeat him!" Student 4 exclaimed, rallying the room.

Motivated, several students mustered their courage and launched an attack against the man.

"Come forth, and I shall crush you. I eagerly await your feeble attempts," he taunted.

Magic of various elements was hurled at the man—flames, lightning, water, stone, and plants—but none managed to leave a scratch. He remained unscathed, his invincibility revealed.

"Is that all you can do? Now, it's my turn," he declared, focusing his energy. Suddenly, a shockwave reverberated through the room, incapacitating nearly all the students. Only Evangeline, Megumi, and Seiko remained standing—a sight that did not surprise Evangeline.

"I hadn't anticipated anyone would remain. Not that it matters. I can indulge in torturing you now," he hissed, relishing the prospect.

"You truly believe you can defeat us so easily? You're sorely mistaken," Evangeline declared, her excitement undiminished.

Before she could say anything more, Megumi delivered a firm blow to her head.

"Evangeline, you're out of your mind! Don't provoke him. We have no idea what he's capable of."

"Alright, alright, there was no need to hit me so hard," Evangeline grumbled to herself, pondering why it always seemed that women in this world had a tendency to strike her head.

Evangeline observed Seiko, as usual, laughing at her, a familiar sight that never failed to amuse her. She glanced over at Megumi, seeking her assistance in handling Seiko's antics.

"Well, who's going to deal with him?" Evangeline asked, her gaze fixed on Megumi.

"Let's flip a coin," Megumi suggested, conjuring a coin into her right hand.

"Alright, that sounds fair," Evangeline agreed, relieved to have a simple method of decision-making.

"Am I dreaming, or are you mocking me?" the man interjected, his tone laced with anger.

Ignoring his outburst, Evangeline declared, "I'll take the first turn then," pretending not to have heard his remark.

Megumi nodded, and with a flick of her wrist, she tossed the coin into the air. The coin landed on its side, facing Megumi, determining her as the one who would confront their opponent first.

"Ah, what a pity. I had hoped for the opportunity to engage in battle," Evangeline expressed, a tinge of disappointment coloring her voice.

"No matter. You'll have your chance next time. For now, it's my turn," she declared confidently, a radiant smile gracing her angelic countenance.

Summoning a sword of pure light into her hand, Megumi vanished from sight, reappearing directly in front of the man. She poised her sword, ready to strike, but a protective force field manifested around him, thwarting her attack and propelling her backward a few steps.

"I didn't expect you to parry my blow. You're stronger than I anticipated," Megumi acknowledged, her voice tinged with surprise.

"Did you really believe you could dispose of me so easily, kid?" the man taunted, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow.

As Megumi and the man exchanged blows, Evangeline's attention waned, the monotony of the situation beginning to bore her. Suddenly, a woman materialized in front of her, wielding a dagger with intent to strike. However, before the blade could touch Evangeline, it inexplicably burst into flames, catching the assailant off guard and forcing her to retreat hastily.

"At last, I can join the fray," Evangeline remarked, a smile of anticipation spreading across her face.

But before she could make a move, Seiko leaped from her head, conjuring a small fireball that he promptly launched at the disoriented woman, knocking her unconscious.

"Seiko, you're getting carried away. She was my prey. I wanted to have some fun too," Evangeline chided, playfully scolding her mischievous companion.

Observing Seiko approach the fallen woman and rummage through her pockets, Evangeline's curiosity piqued. Seiko discovered a packet of chicken-flavored chips and presented it to her.

"Can you open it?" he requested, grinning mischievously.

Evangeline sighed, reluctantly taking the bag of chips and complying with Seiko's request. Meanwhile, Megumi returned to Evangeline's side, wearing a smile of accomplishment. The man who had attacked them lay unconscious on the ground.

"It was easier than I expected. He wasn't as formidable as I thought. And from what I saw, you held your own too," Megumi remarked, a note of pride in her voice.

"No, it was Seiko who defeated her. I didn't do anything, unfortunately," Evangeline confessed, disappointment evident in her expression.

"It doesn't matter. You'll have your chance next time," Megumi reassured her, gently patting her head.

Suddenly, Izumi stood up, seemingly unharmed despite being struck by an ice spike earlier.

"Well done, both of you. You were the only ones who remained conscious throughout this exercise," Izumi commended them, his voice filled with admiration.

"It felt so real, even though it was just an exercise," Evangeline commented, a hint of surprise lingering in her tone.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to take any action, Evangeline, but I admire your courage. And Megumi, I'm proud of you. You proved to be stronger than I anticipated," Izumi praised, his words filled with genuine admiration.

"Thank you, teacher. It was nothing," Megumi replied modestly.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Izumi addressed the students with a smile. "Now, you may all go home."

"We don't need to worry about the unconscious students and those two troublemakers?" Evangeline asked, pointing towards the fallen figures.

"Don't fret. Someone will attend to them later," Izumi assured her.

Scooping Seiko into her arms, who had finished devouring the bag of chips, Evangeline and Megumi exited the room as if nothing extraordinary had occurred. However, just a few steps beyond the door, Seiko's tail brushed against Evangeline's nose, triggering an enormous sneeze that unleashed a massive flame, engulfing and scorching half the hallway. The fire rapidly spread.

"Evangeline!" Izumi's alarmed voice echoed through the chaos.

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