"Let me sleep for another five minutes, Mom. I'm so tired," Evangeline pleaded, her voice laden with exhaustion.

"No, you have to get up, or you'll be late," Azumi insisted, approaching her daughter.

"Come on, Mom, just five more minutes," Evangeline persisted, her voice laced with desperation.

Azumi clapped her hands, causing the bed to vanish beneath them. Evangeline and Seiko tumbled to the floor.

Seiko protested, "Why me too? I didn't do anything," his anger evident in his voice.

Azumi's expression turned dark. "Because I want both of you to get ready. The disappearance of your bed is just the beginning," she said ominously.

Evangeline sighed in resignation. "Alright, I'll get up now," she conceded, grabbing a towel and heading to the bathroom.

After a quick shower, Evangeline returned to her room to find Azumi and Seiko gone. She swiftly dressed, making sure to don her mask, and headed downstairs to the dining room. Her parents and Seiko were already eating. She joined them, consuming her meal with haste.

Exiting the castle, she found a coach waiting for her. Azumi approached, hugging her tightly. "I wish you good luck, Evangeline. I have faith in your abilities."

"Thank you, Mom. I'm confident I'll succeed," Evangeline replied, determination coloring her words.

Seiko, perched on her head, chimed in, "You'll make it. I'm certain everyone there is just a bunch of weaklings."

Evangeline smiled, appreciating Seiko's support.

Misaki approached Evangeline, her voice filled with anticipation. "I don't think there are only weaklings in this school. Besides, they have a good reputation," she said, moving closer to embrace her. However, Evangeline evaded her, maintaining a distance.

"I'll see you later then," Evangeline responded, swiftly stepping into the awaiting carriage.

Misaki's voice carried a hint of desperation. "Wait, Evangeline! I want my hug!"

"No, I'm not a child anymore. Driver, we can go now," Evangeline instructed.

The carriage set off, leaving Misaki behind, tears streaming down her face as she yearned for the hug she didn't receive.

"I'll never understand why you're always so distant with Misaki. She's your mother, after all," the cub perched on Evangeline's head remarked.

"You may be right, but she deserves it. It will teach her a lesson for attempting to kill me when I was a child," Evangeline replied, a shiver coursing through her.

"Was it really that terrible?" the cub asked, curiosity tingeing its voice.

"Yes, in fact, I didn't even realize it was possible for a mother to intentionally drown her own daughter in a bathtub," Evangeline confessed, a tremor betraying her emotions.

"Enough about the painful memories. You better succeed because I'm certain Azumi won't miss the opportunity to express her displeasure," the cub warned.

"You're right. She's the one who frightens me the most when she's angry," Evangeline acknowledged, her voice laced with apprehension.

"I've been around for thousands of years, and she's the only person who instills that level of fear in me," the cub admitted, a shiver running through both of them at the mere thought.

After a few hours, the carriage came to a halt, and Evangeline disembarked. She thanked the driver before watching the carriage depart. Observing the grandeur of the school, with each faction's flag proudly displayed, she swiftly made her way inside. Guided by arrows directing her to the exam location, she joined the queue of people. Soon, she received a badge bearing the number 541 and was instructed to proceed to a room for the written exam.

Entering the room, she noticed it was already filled with numerous candidates. Making her way towards the back, a teacher called out to her.

"Miss, I apologize for the interruption, but magical beasts are not allowed in this exam," the teacher pointed out, gesturing towards Seiko, who still perched on Evangeline's head.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware. I can leave him with you while I take the exam, if you don't mind," Evangeline responded, gently lifting Seiko off her head.

The teacher reassured her, "No problem, I'll take care of him."

Relieved, Evangeline moved to the back of the classroom. Within minutes, the distribution of exam sheets commenced.

"Now that everyone has their papers, you may begin the exam. You have two hours from now," the teacher announced, having taken custody of Seiko.

Evangeline examined her test sheets and found them relatively straightforward. Answering the questions swiftly, she finished the exam within an hour. Organizing her belongings, she approached the professor to submit her completed sheet, noticing his surprise.

"Are you certain you've finished your test, Miss?" he asked, taken aback.

"Yes, I'm sure. Let's go now, Seiko," Evangeline replied, handing the sheet to the professor before Seiko hopped back onto her head.

Quickly moving away from the classroom, she decided to take a leisurely stroll around the school grounds while waiting for the others to complete their exams. Finding solace under a shady tree, she lay down, preparing to rest.

"That exam was remarkably easy," Seiko remarked curiously.

"Yes, it was surprisingly straightforward," Evangeline affirmed confidently.

"I'm certain if the other students heard you say that, they'd probably be driven to despair," Seiko chuckled.

"You're probably right, but since we have ample time, we should take a nap," Evangeline suggested.

"You're truly the embodiment of laziness, Evangeline. I'd rather go find something to eat," Seiko replied, dismounting from her head.

"Alright, just be careful and don't cause any trouble," Evangeline warned.

"I'll try," Seiko assured, leaving her alone.

"He'll never change," Evangeline murmured to herself before closing her eyes and succumbing to sleep.

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