"I know, but you're just too adorable," Julie confessed, though she released her hold on Evangeline.

"Julie, please let go of me now. I can walk on my own," Evangeline requested, her cheeks tinted with a blush.

"Apologies, Evangeline. I thought you were taking too long, so I decided to carry you," Julie explained, an apologetic smile on her face.

Evangeline couldn't help but think how abnormal everything seemed in this castle. Despite inhabiting the body of a child, she retained her adult consciousness. It was a challenge to adjust to the interactions and expectations placed upon her.

Before long, they reached the outside, where Evangeline's two mothers awaited them next to a car. Azumi held a camera in her hands and began snapping pictures of Evangeline.

"Mum, please stop taking pictures without my permission. And Julie, can you please put me down now?" Evangeline requested, her face flushed.

Misaki, chuckling, couldn't resist commenting, "It's just a picture, Evangeline. You won't perish from it."

"You say that because you're not the one being photographed," Evangeline retorted, pouting.

Azumi intervened, attempting to diffuse the situation. "Enough arguing, both of you. We need to leave now."

Evangeline and Misaki climbed into the back seat of the car alongside Azumi. Azumi then lifted Evangeline onto her lap, a gesture that Evangeline found unnecessary.

"Mum, I can sit on my own. You don't need to hold me," Evangeline declared, her pout persisting.

Misaki, patting Evangeline's head, couldn't help but remark, "I thought you had grown accustomed to this, Evangeline."

"Don't touch me, I dislike you. I prefer Mum," Evangeline expressed, sticking her tongue out childishly.

Misaki's voice held a tinge of hurt as she replied, "How can you say that to me? Besides, why don't you ever call me Mum?"

Deliberately avoiding the question, Evangeline chose not to respond.

Azumi interjected, attempting to ease the tension. "It's not so bad, Misaki. Perhaps one day she will call you Mum."

"Yeah," Misaki replied, her gaze averted.

Azumi then revealed a special item for Evangeline—a face mask resembling Kakashi's from Naruto.

"What's that for?" Evangeline inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Misaki snapped her fingers, conjuring the face mask, and explained, "It's for your safety. This way, people won't recognize you easily or attempt to kidnap you like last time."

Evangeline, aware of her own magical prowess and the ability to protect herself, countered, "Mum, you know I can defend myself now. You've taught me how to master my magic."

Azumi acknowledged her abilities but insisted, "That may be true, but wearing the mask will help you avoid drawing unnecessary attention."

Misaki nodded proudly and said, "Yeah, that's right."

Azumi smiled and handed Evangeline the face mask. "Okay then, I'll trust you," she said as Evangeline took the mask and put it on her face.

"There, that's much better now," Azumi said, patting Evangeline's head.

Misaki called out to the driver, "Good, we can leave now."

The car started moving, and Evangeline took the opportunity to wave goodbye to the servants and butlers standing outside the castle. As the car moved farther away, the castle gradually disappeared from sight, and a breathtaking landscape unfolded before Evangeline's eyes. Modern buildings dotted the horizon, surprising her with their beauty.

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