A fierce determination flickered in Azumi's eyes. "I will not allow anyone to take her away from me. I will protect her at all costs."

Misaki, smiling softly, pondered their future. "And what about when she grows older and brings home a boyfriend or girlfriend?"

"I don't know yet, but we will face it together when the time comes. For now, let's get some rest," Azumi decided.

"You're right. Tomorrow we must wake up early," Misaki agreed.

They shared a tender kiss before drifting off to sleep.

The next morning, Evangeline's perspective unfolded.

Evangeline was lost in peaceful slumber when she felt someone gently patting her face and calling her name, rousing her from her dreams.

"Evangeline, you need to wake up. Your tutor will be arriving soon," Julie's voice whispered urgently.

"Just give me five more minutes, please," Evangeline pleaded, still drowsy.

Julie offered, "Shall I go and inform your mother, Evangeline?"

"No, that's alright," Evangeline responded, suddenly alert. She didn't want to experience the embarrassment of being carried by Julie in front of everyone again.

"Very well. Let's get you ready for your bath," Julie suggested.

This time, Evangeline complied without complaint. She followed Julie to the bathing area, where she soaked in the warm water and allowed Julie to choose her outfit for the day—an ensemble consisting of a blue shirt and black trousers.

Surprised but relieved that she didn't have to wear a dress, Evangeline quickly dressed herself. Julie guided her to the dining room, where Misaki and Azumi awaited her arrival.

Azumi greeted Evangeline, a warm smile on her face. "So, you slept well, Evangeline."

Evangeline responded with a nod, taking a seat in an empty chair. "Yes, I had a restful night."

Misaki chimed in, her voice tinged with a touch of sadness. "Today, you don't want to eat on my lap?"

Evangeline, determined to assert her independence, replied, "No, it's okay. I want to learn to eat by myself now."

She couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the thought of eating on her mother's lap, and she silently promised herself that she would never have to go through that again.

Misaki's tone turned sullen. "You're sure?" she asked, her disappointment evident.

Evangeline reaffirmed her decision. "Yes, I am sure."

Azumi, changing the subject, urged Evangeline to start eating. "Let's focus on our meal for now."

Evangeline quickly finished her food and bid her parents goodbye. Julie, her faithful companion, led her to a place that resembled a dance hall, but at the moment, it was empty except for the two of them.

"The tutor should be here soon. I'd like you to be on your best behavior when she arrives," Julie advised in a friendly tone.

Evangeline assured her, though with a hint of skepticism, "Yes, don't worry. I'll try to behave. But if she's mean, I might do the opposite."

Julie couldn't help but feel slightly concerned. "I'm sure she will be nice," she said, hoping her instincts were right.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a woman in her thirties. She had brown hair, brown eyes, and a few wrinkles on her face, giving her a stern appearance. Julie, bidding Evangeline good luck, left her alone with the tutor, who introduced herself as Yumi Nori.

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