Welcome To New York

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(Toms pov)

Bill is sitting next to me and sleeping, and I'm trying to relax on the plane. Our flight won't be long, we left Berlin this morning, and now we're going to New York, we'll have a concert for two days and we'll be there for three weeks, because there the last tour and then we have two months of vacation, of which we will spend three weeks in New York, because we have never been there.Summer, hot days, big city, good dates and good women, never a better vacation.I can't wait until these two days of the tour are over and then I can enjoy every night and bring good women to the hotel.

(Joslins pov)

I'm Joslin, I'm 18 years old and my birthday is in November. I live alone in a small building in the city center,in New York. I've been living alone for a few months, and before that I lived in Los Vegas with my family, but I decided it's time to be independent and move.I met my two friends here, I go out with them all the time and they are my best friends. Their names are Jasmin and Clara, they are roommates and they go to school with me, but now it's vacation and in September I'm going to college like them.As I said, the two of them live together, but not far from me, and the school is also very close to us.

I was washing the dishes and I was whistling some melody, but my humming was interrupted by the phone. Jasmin called me on the phone. I sighed, took a cloth and wiped it over my hands, and then Jasmin answered.

"Hey dear, listen." Jasmin said excitedly over the phone.

"I'm listening, say it." I said, leaning on the kitchen table.

"Tokio Hotel is coming to New York." Jasmin screamed excitedly over the phone.

Jasmin and Clara are big fans of Tokio Hotel. I remember that Jasmin said that she has been listening to them since their first album, I don't know if it was 2005 or when, I really don't care, and Clara has been listening to them since she met Jasmin and when she Jasmin literally made her listen to Tokio Hotel, but Clara love them too.However, I don't like their music at all. Jasmin is also very much in love with a guitarist from that band, I think his name is Tom.I know that girls fall for him, but I don't see anything beautiful about him at all and what attracts girls to him.I only remember that Jasmin played one of his interviews on TV and he talked about women, and I don't like the way he thinks about women and I think it's a big red flag.Jasmin talked about how she would like to marry him and sleep with him and that she would make him fall in love with her, and that sounds stupid to me, but what can I do, let him do what he wants, I know that I don't like the genre of music that they make Tokio Hotel, and I'm generally not attracted to it.

"Okay and..."I said.

"Clara and I are going to a concert, of course you are going too."said Jasmin.

"I'm not going for that shit." I said with conviction.

"Come on, you're going. Please." Jasmin said in her pleading voice.

I sighed and didn't want to reject her, I know how much it means to her that I be there too." I'm going too, but only because of you, not because of those idiots."

"That's right girl." Listen, Klara and I are coming tomorrow with her car to pick you up, and you come to our place to get ready. You have to look good, so that Tom notices us. And be ready at 2 p.m."Jasmin said excitedly.

"Okay." I answered blowing.

"I'll see you tomorrow, bye." Jasmin said.

I greeted her and ended the call. I sighed and continued to wash the dishes.Jasmin, Clara and I were completely different people, but we really got along.

Jasmin has blonde hair with black highlights and blue eyes. Clara and I always have to listen to her talk about her boyfriends. Every week she goes out with someone else, but her love for Tom hasn't passed and her desire to have him hasn't passed.She is a very emotional person and is a Cancer in her horoscope, but she can be very cunning and resourceful.I'm happy for Jasmin, because her dream of seeing Tom will finally come true.She is also 18 years old.

Clara is the oldest of us. She is also 18 years old and is an Aquarius in her horoscope. She has dark red hair and also blue eyes. She is the only one of the three of us who has passed her driver's license. She is also the only one of us who is in a healthy and serious relationship with with her boyfriend Eddie, for 2 years now and they are having a great time.Clara is also the most serious of us and the most cultured. She is the person who always calms down the situation.

Me too, of course. I'm also 18 years old, as I said. I have brown hair, with curls and big brown eyes. I have two sides, sometimes I'm very calm, and sometimes I know how to fight and get very angry.As for my love life, that did not interest me at all, it was only important for me to study and live a nice and peaceful life. I had a boyfriend and I broke up with him 4 months ago because he cheated on me, and I was with him around 6 months. His name is Brian, but I don't care about him now. He wanted to come back to me, but of course I refused him.Whenever we are in a club, they always approach me, but I always screw them up.



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