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💖 Tracey 💖

'If only he knows how bad he sucks at toasting a girl'. I said to myself.

I sighed and placed my elbow on my desk, leaning my head on it. My thoughts drifted from the scene in front of me and whatever the teacher was babbling about. I hate school.

A tap on my shoulder from behind brought me out of my reverie. I turned around and froze. It was Xander Woods. The most cranky and annoying guy in Pinesville High School. Unfortunately, he is the cutest.

"If I suck so much at toasting a girl, why don't you teach me?" He said with a smirk on his face.


My mouth hung open. Was he for real? How did he get behind me? Wasn't he sitting a desk away? How the hell did he even hear me?

"If you don't close your mouth anytime soon, I'll be forced to glue them together". He said and I snapped my mouth shut.

Oh fuck! The nerve of this guy. I felt like wiping that smirk off his face with my tongue.

'Ugh!' What the hell is wrong with me? That is the most bizarre and outright disgusting thing to ever think of. I've hated Xander Woods since diapers. Yet, fate has a cruel way of sticking us together in the same school since crèche.

"Who thought that the almighty Tracey Williams will be smothered by just my mere presence that she is speechless? My mom has always told me I'm handsome so you don't need to tell me that". He said proudly.

This guy had just broken the last straw. His nerve was way too annoying. I scooted away from him.

"What makes you think so? I only kept shut because I didn't want that stinking odour, evaporating from your mouth to touch my pearly white teeth". I said and flashed him a smile, displaying my perfect set of pearly white teeth.

I watched as his mouth clamped shut in shock and anger. My heart leapt up in joy.

"Miss Williams, Mister Woods, it seems you two have already made yourselves partners for the English project". My English teacher's voice bursted our little bubble.

"What did you say sir?"

Just then, the bell rang. That bell was my knight in shining armor.

"Remember, you have to proof that true love really exists. The group that wins gets a free ticket to spend the vacation in any place of their choice". My teacher shouted over the noise of the bustling students.

Was this man nuts? What type of silly project is this? Worst of all, I was paired with Xander freaking Woods!!!

Talking about that idiot, I rushed out of the class in order to avoid him. Immediately I stepped out of class, I bumped into someone.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed.

"Are you freaking blind?" I asked and raised my head.

The blood in my veins rushed out as I came face to face with cranky Xander.

"I think someone didn't watch where she was going". He said bitterly.

"Are you trying to put the blame on me? You know what? Just fuck off!" I said and walked off.

He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back.

"What is it now?" I glared at him.

"I believe someone owes me toasting lessons". He said, cocking his head to the side  with a smirk on his face.

Fucken smirk!

"You are stupid, Xander Woods". I said, laughing.

"Am I smiling?" He asked with a serious look on his face.

"How can you be smiling? All you do is flirt with that handsome face of yours". I replied.

"Did you just admit I'm handsome?" He said with amusement.

"Tracey Williams just said I'm handsome! I have to go bathe myself with burgers!" He said, flailing his arms in the air.

I had to counter what I just said. I can't lose to this idiot.

I took my face closer to his and peered so intently at it. He stopped laughing at once. I slapped his nose and he looked at me shocked, before wincing in pain.

"I said 'with that handsome face of yours'. I didn't say you were handsome. I meant that you flirt with that handsome fly on that face of yours". I said and smiled sweetly.

I was about skipping away when he dragged me back by the arms. I groaned.

"Xander I swear if I miss lunch, I'll fry your balls and use them as earrings". I threatened.

"That's ridiculous!" He said, laughing.

"Tracey Williams, you think you're better than me. I'll show you that you're the brush and I'm the paint. You need me to survive". He said with a serious look.

"That's the most ridiculous quote I've ever heard. Oprah Winfred has made so many quotes, so have other people in the world but this one is way too lame and ridiculous". I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Oh! That's because I made it and it isn't lame". He said.

"No wonder I've never heard of it. Such stupid thing can never be heard". I replied.

"Oh! That's because the world doesn't know about it. I'll make them know". He said.

"Stupid!" I said and walked towards the cafeteria. This time he didn't stop me.

"Watch your back Tracey. In this school, I'll make you realize how much you need me to survive". He shouted.


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