Chapter 25

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👻Annika's POV👻

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👻Annika's POV👻

The ride to the museum felt like it was taking forever, the awkwardness was choking me. Daphne was turned in her seat staring at the two sitting in the back.

"That was my outfit, I swear." Velma said after her clothes made noises sounding like farts coming from her. I didn't dare look behind me.

"You know, Velma, you are as beautiful as ever, you're just so different, than I expected." Patrick told her, that must have sting, the museum coming into view.

"You know, I'm just..."

Police cars and reporters that's all that could be seen infront of the museum as Fred stopped the van.

"Oh, my goodness!"

"What the hecks going on?" Fred asks just as curious as I am on, what's happening right now.

"It can't be anything good." I mumble getting out of the van.

"My museum." Patrick said, running towards the doors, Velma following right behind him, before we could get any further, Heather pushed infront of Fred, stopping him in his tracks.

"Any comments on the museum robbery?" She asks.

Fred nervously stared at the camera. "Mystery Inc is investigating the two stolen costumes." he states, but I suddenly got a feeling that wasn't what they were talking about making me feel on edge.

"No the one that just happened, where the Black Knight and Pteracacty! Ghost stole the rest of the costumes?" Heather asks with a cocky tone.

"The rest of the costumes?" Fred nervously asks his eyes moving between her and the camera, he was already on edge about the people not liking him anymore, she's only making it worse, fueling my anger.

"So what you're saying is it's all downhill for Mystery Inc?" Heather questions, putting us on the spot, making Fred snap.

"No! You're doing that thing again where you take everything I say out of context. You're trying to make it look like I think Coolsville suck."

He only realized what was said after the words left his mouth. "No! Don't record that!" Fred yells trying to get away from all the cameras.

We went to look at the crime scene, and every single costume was gone not a single one left, this mystery just got a lot harder to solve and why would the Evil Masked Man need all the costumes in the first place?

The gang and I made our way back to the van, all feeling down for different reasons. We got back in the van, seeing the news immediately.

"All Fred Jones had to say was: I think Coolsville sucks."

Fred slammed his head against the steeringwheel, I placed a comforting hand on his thigh staring out the window.

"In light of the city's recent chaos Jones' response was dishearting to the fans who have supported them. Perhaps it's time for the crime solving gang to shape up or ship out."

"Come on Daph, we'll be right back." I spoke up. Daph and I got out walking towards the
reporter that seemed to get our gang to an end.

"This is Heather Jasper Howe for investigative Probe Reporting."

"What's with the personal attacks?" Daphne asks her immediately when the camera was shut off, Heather put on an innocent face, "Look I'm a huge fan. It's just my editor..."

"Who the hell do you think your kidding?" I snapped cutting her off, my blood boiling.

"Who are you kidding?" She asks back getting up all in my face. I really wanted to slap her so badly. "Don't think I don't know your game. What do you two do for the gang Really? Velma's the smart one. Fred's
the leader, all you are, Daphne is a pretty face, and you Annika don't even seem like you have any role in the gang." Heather states smugly like she knew what's going on inside the gang, if it wasn't for Daphne holding me back I would've jumped at her.

"Why are you doing this? "Daphne asks, silently telling me to calm down, but it was difficult.

"Because it's my job to unmask those who pretend to be who they're not." Heather says turning her back to us, her words to familiar to ignore, or act like we didn't hear her.

"Unmask those? You sound, like..." Daphne spoke up, having the same thoughts as I, Heather turned back to us, a smirk on her face." Sound like who?" Heather asks, the smirk never leaving her face.

"The Evil Masked guy, but you know that, because just as you know I'm standing here... You know who you are ... which is him, who's a her, which is you." Daphne states, talking in her gibberish language only she understood most of the time.

"Oh. Now I see what you do for the gang. You're in charge of incoherent babbling." Heather says, she sounded way to annoyed at that statement not to suspect her.

"Mystery Incorporated.
Once again, you are proven useless before my power, because of you.
Soon Coolsville...
Will be mine."

The masked figure appeared on top of the museum. Heather gave Daphne a cocky smile, it didn't make me suspect her any less, her cockiness was on a very high level, like she wanted us to believe her.

"Darn it. Thanks a lot! The scoop of the night gone. Can't you do anything right?" Heather snapped glaring at Daphne, as if it was our fault, but Daph's face fell. "Guess not." Daphne mumbles to herself.

"Don't listen to her Daph, you do a lot for the gang." I tell her. "Thanks Anni." She says walking back to the van, I glared at Heather's retreating back.


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