Take a breath

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How do you gain the strength to sit in a class for a whole hour? Anytime someone laughs the feeling of being laughed at sinks in. Even if you sit in the back of the class where nobody looks at you the feeling spreads through your body. That's how Todoroki felt, they're all laughing at him never with him. To be fair, when does he laugh? He's never really thought about it. It was a natural thing for him not to laugh, if he laughed it was a light chuckle.

People laughed left and right and Todoroki made himself look smaller. He was embarrassed and he felt it radiating through his body. Just moments prior to walking into this class he felt used and now laughed at. Did Midoriya tell people how odd he was acting? Todoroki swore up and down the only one who would've seen a slip up was Bakugou. But if it was Midoriya, Todoroki didn't want people to think he was rude and not willing to help. That would majorly effect becoming a hero.

He glanced at the broccoli haired boy who was smiling and laughing with his friends. Todoroki felt alone and that's what his soul screamed. It's what impacted his decisions, the ones to be alone any possible moment he could. But sometimes he wished he was like everyone else. Hanging out with friends, smiling, being carefree. Todoroki felt like he was in tangled chains and it was impossible to untangle them and break them from the tight bolts.

"Get in your seats you devils." Aizawa whispered the last two words.

Todoroki pov

"Today you'll be going outside and battling each other. The partners are on the board." Aizawa pointed to a paper.

Students stood up crowding the front of the room. I stood up but stood by my desk. Whoever my partner is will tell me. People started jumping up and down when they realized who their partner was. Bakugou began walking over to me with his hands in his pockets.

"You're with me Icy-hot." Bakugou grumbled.

His crimson eyes glared at me with hatred. Reminded me of how I looked at myself. Light but holds so much darker emotions. Just because there's a sparkle doesn't mean you're happy. You could be searching or trying to reach it. For people like us, will we ever reach it?

"Hello!? I'm speaking to you!" Bakugou yelled waving his hand in front of my eyes.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying?" I asked.

"I was asking why the hell you're still standing there when everyone has left the classroom." He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I must've spaced out." I shrugged.

"Well hurry up I'm not going to wait all day for your ass to move." He huffed.

"Nobody said you had to wait for me." I grabbed my bag walking out of the classroom.

"If I didn't the dumb idiots would've lectured me." Bakugou walked ahead of me.

"Never thought you cared about what they said." I replied.

"Depends what they say." He glanced at me.

His eyes were slightly softer than normal. Almost like this conversation finally became real. He says it depends but the way he glanced at me screamed the opposite. Always. That's what he meant. Just because you act like you're ignoring people doesn't mean you don't care what they say. It eats you from the inside out.

He glanced at me like he wanted someone in the world to understand. Desperate for someone to finally see one of his thoughts. Only one, nothing more. Like a drop from a jug of water, too much and it'll spill with the one close by getting soaked.

"Doesn't everyone feel that way?" I questioned.

"I guess it depends on the person." He replied.

We walked outside seeing the rest of the class warming up. Everyone was in their hero uniform which was surprising. Usually we practice in our gym clothes, guess there was a special plan for today. I sighed opening the dressing room doors and heading towards my locker. My locker is towards the end of the room because it means less people will be back here.

I was in the middle of changing before the door opened. Thoughts ran through my head a mile a minute. It's probably just Bakugou but that doesn't make me feel any bit better. The scars and bruises that covered my body, thin and frail frame. Everything about me was against me and all I could do was pray he didn't walk back here for something.

"So I figured out the big thing of the day." Bakugou walked towards where I was.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" I gulped quickly putting my hero outfit on.

He must've realized because he tilted his head examining my facial expression. Then he glanced me up and down finally at the end meeting my gaze.

"Something wrong icy-hot?" He asked.

"No, we're just late to class." I half lied.

"The big thing today is your father being here." He informed.

"What?" I stood stunned.

My body tensed up as I knew anything could happen. But I couldn't show weakness so I nodded to distract myself and hopefully not let Bakugou know.

"You're getting pale, take a breath." He walked towards me placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm fine." I closed my eyes as I felt like the room was spinning.

"Icy-hot look at me." Bakugou turned my body towards him.

"What Bakugou?" I opened my eyes.

"Don't forget to take a breath."

I breathed in but it was extremely shakey. Nobody here at this school understands what he's done. I could feel my hands shaking so I shoved them behind my back. I nodded and quickly left the room. But I regretted it immediately when my father came into view. Everyone else in class 1-A waited on me and Bakugou. My father's eyes stared me down. I gulped and shoved the instinct to run deep down.


1000 words

Thank you for reading and voting! I hope you enjoyed. What do you think his father will do? Song recommendation of the chapter, 'Take a breath' by Jonas Brothers.

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