Luckily, it wasn't him, it was a blondish guy, who looked young. I opened the door, just as much as the little lock let it. Then, he started talking.

Hi, I've heard that you are new on the building, I'm Arthur, nice to meet you -he said, a smile on his face-

I truly wanted to trust him. But I couldn't, the fear, and the trauma didn't let me. Either way, I left the rolling pin, and opened the door. After that, he extended his hand, shyly, to shake hands with me, but I didn't move, in fact I flinched, just a bit, but enough to be noticed.

H-hi Arthur, nice... nice to meet you -I said, my voice cutting and trembling with fear-

He seemed to notice my anxiousness, maybe because of my voice, or my trembling hands. I tried really hard not to break down, but I could hold it anymore, it still hurts.

I closed the door as quickly I could, sitting down pressing my back against it. Tears rolled through my cheeks, whimpers left my lips, without control. The mix of emotions was overwhelming, until the point I couldn't see anymore, my heart raced. I think I was having a panic attack.

I got out of the doorway, leaving it closed, and sat down near a wall, trying everything I could to get down to earth, but I was really scared.


After coming back home, I noticed someone new had entered the building, and so, as a courtesy, I went to introduce myself to whoever the new neighbor was, knocking on the door softly.

The time went by, and I thought that maybe I was on the wrong door, but then, the lock sound gave me hope. The door opened slightly, before opening completely, even that made me see enough, an average height girl, dark brown hair, wearing old clothes, and, in my opinion, a cute face, with light greenish eyes.

I introduced myself, and then, before she did, or at least tried. Her voice trembled a lot, just like her hands, as if she was scared of something.

Then, all of a sudden, the door closed right in front of my face, I flinched. I thought about leaving it, and going home, but I started hearing noises coming from the other side, which I recognized as crying.

I really wanted to help.
But I didn't really didn't know if that would do more harm than good, and it was weird.
In either way, I went again to the door, knocking softly, and saying

Hey... It's everything ok? -I said quietly-

But I didn't get any answer. I tried knocking again, once, twice... still no answer.

Maybe something bad had happened, so even if it wasn't the correct thing to do, I took matters into my own action. I tried opening the door that, luckily for me, was still unlocked.

When I opened, I saw something I didn't really want to see, I had never witnessed that before, being a no-brained that I was shocked.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket rather quickly, since I didn't know what was going on, so I thought that maybe that was urgent.


I open my eyes, slowly, being blinded by the lights. I don't know where I'm at.
At least at first, until I see white walls, beeping sounds, and myself being laid on a stretcher.

I got scared, really scared. I freaked out, in fact.

Wait, wait, where I'm at? -I said, frantically looking everywhere-

Then, the door opened, and a girl, a nurse, came in.

Hey, don't worry, everything it's ok, you're at the hospital.

But, how I ended up here? -I said, a pounding on my head- I don't remember anything right now...

Actually, that question isn't for me... You can come in -she said, with the door half-opened, to someone supposedly on the waiting room-

She left, and on its place a boy entered. But he wasn't any boy. It was Arthur, my neighbor. He got into the room, standing right in front of me, on a chair that was on the room, enough to be able to close the door, before talking, same quiet voice as the first time, which ended up a bit shambled.

Hey, are you ok?... -he said, and for once, a boy actually looked concerned about me, or my well-being, which was strange for me-

Yeah, I mean, I guess... apart of my head hurting... but how did I end up here?

He took a deep breath, before starting explaining.

So, I exactly don't know what happened, but I was introducing myself, and then, after you tried to do so, all of a sudden you... closed the door, and then, after I knocked a couple of times, no one answered, I opened up, and found you laying on the floor, and, since didn't know what happened, I called an ambulance -he ended, with a shaky breath-

Oh... -I said, shockingly- You didn't need to do nothing really, you don't even really know me, apart of my name I guess... but right now I need to be... alone, you know? -his face turned to a confused grin- I don't want to be rude, it's just... -I said, trying to justify myself-

No, don't worry, I think I understand -he smiled softly- but if you ever need anything, I'm on apartment 4L -he said, before leaving the lifeless room-

When he left, I felt empty. Like I had no feelings left inside me. Everything was so weird, sad, confusing, all at the same time.

A few minutes later, a doctor, came, telling me that I could go home, "if he knew"... I thought to myself, since this place wasn't really home yet. I still thought about myself like a prisoner that had escaped, waiting for a new detention. And that wasn't far from truth.

I got back to my apartment, remembering I still needed to get my electronics, at least before everything happened. I got once again my backpack, which, as I found out, needed some replacement. I got, once again, out to the sunny streets of Monaco, and everything it's was just shy of starting May, I wouldn't take my hoodie ever, not wanting to show the scars and marks of my broken past.

I quickly found a hardware shop, which I hoped that they had what I needed, on those types of things, I was a bit of a nerd, I quite loved all about electronics when I was younger. Few minutes later, I got out with a bag, containing what I needed. A laptop, and a phone, with a whole different number form what I used to have, irrecognizable. Just like that, I felt that everything was a bit put together, in Thais sha,bled life of mine.

At least, I felt the slightest more ready to start a new life, miles away from the dark hell.

𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙘𝙤 - Arthur LeclercWhere stories live. Discover now